TOWAMENCIN- North Penn High School is an institution that offers various intriguing programs for young minds eager to soon take on the world after high school. From their engineering facilities, internships, sports and unified sports, cultural clubs, and now the unique opportunity of having qualified students step up as substitute teachers.
The North Penn School District is very excited to announce the all new Student as Subs (SAS) program, giving students the opportunity to become substitute teachers at their high school if certain criteria are met.
But, how does one qualify?
The following criteria include: unweighted GPA of 3.75, member of multiple clubs or sports, an officer position in a club, perfect attendance, absolutely zero disciplinary infractions, and a small hunger for power and authority.
If a student meets these requirements, a staff member at North Penn High School can nominate them as a qualified substitute teacher under the SAS program.
Once nominated, all student substitute teachers are required to attend a training seminar the first and second Monday of each month during Knight Zone.
The seminars are going to be hosted by various class advisors, sports team coaches, and North Penn administrators to ensure a correct evaluation of the soon to be substitute teachers. The seminar would last approximately 5 minutes in which the nominated students work in various workshops: public speaking, grading, student discipline, etc. While some people pushed for longer workshops, the 5 minutes still gives students plenty of time to use Knight Zone for other purposes.
In a world where there is a shortage of substitute teachers, and the expenses for soon to be college students are on the rise- North Penn’s Students As Subs program serves as the universal solution.
“Its a good move for sure. Students will really like it too. No longer will they have to decipher cursive handwriting when the sub writes their name on the board. And the class will feel much safer answering the teacher’s questions through a Snap, rather than actually speaking in class, Win-win for sure!” reflected one NPHS administrator.
The Students As Subs program is not only applicable at the high school level, this is a district wide development. Current middle school students who meet the criteria earlier mentioned also qualify to serve as substitute teachers at North Penn elementary schools. Nothing says efficiency like a 7th grader running a 5th grade class!
The Student As Subs program is set to pilot during the first semester of the 2024-2025 school year. As final arrangements are being made for seminar scheduling, next fall and winter is without a doubt going to be an innovative and exciting experience for all students and soon-to-be substitute teachers at North Penn.