ENACT Club hosted a virtual tour of a Materials Recovery Facility

Technology helps to sort the recyclable material at the Materials Recovery Facility.
ENACT Club hosted a recycling center tour after school on January 10th. The virtual tour was held in Brooklyn, NYC.
“It is important to be informed about where our waste goes because it doesn’t just disappear. I think if people knew and especially saw, they would begin to be conscientious of the waste they create. Only a limited amount of waste can actually be recycled, and if those materials do not end up in a recycling bin they never will. There is a finite amount of space on Earth for landfills, if we continue wasteful practices one could pop up in your backyard as they already are in some communities,” ENACT Club’s historian Natalia Dello Buono explained.
The idea to host a virtual tour came from a parent.
“We were notified by a parent about the existence of the virtual tour and connected with a Materials Recovery Facility (MRF) based in Brooklyn,NYC. They sort recyclable materials that they then sell to companies,” ENACT Club’s Vice President Nicole Mattiacci said.
The members of the club learned about materials that are difficult to recycle and the technology in the facility.
“We learned about the technology and machinery behind recycling facilities and which things we can recycle. For example, red solo cups and thin plastics like plastic wrap are difficult to recycle,” Mattiacci added.
Next year, this club has plans to host a similar event.
“EnAct will most likely do either the same tour or a different one next year. We always try to keep our members informed, and we like to bring in guest speakers,” ENACT Co-President Abigail Holmberg explained.
If you’re looking for a club to help you make an impact in your community, ENACT might be the one.
“Enact is one of the largest clubs at North Penn and it is the perfect opportunity to be a part of events that positively impact our school and community. There are so many aspects that almost anyone can find something they’re interested in whether it be writing for the Green Gazette or being a part of the planning team. Every year we host our Recycling Drive, Tree Sale, and Hop into Spring, allowing students to spend a day with their friends, earn service hours, and make a change,” Dello Buono concluded.