Dietrich announces retirement plans
The NPSD Superintendent has, after 12 years, decided it’s time to slow things down as he rides off into retirement

Something is Amish with Dr. Curt Dietrich’s retirement plans, but as he explained, he just feels like he needs a slower pace of life.
LANCASTER – There has been a lot of speculation about what North Penn superintendent Dr. Curt Dietrich plans to do after his June retirement. But when it comes to his latest revelation about those plans… something seems amish.
After being forced to simplify his life like many others during the Covid pandemic, the North Penn super found that a new pace of living is exactly what he needed. And as he looks to his next chapter in life, he sees cows and corn, lots of corn.
“I have relatives in the farming industry, so honestly this lifestyle is not entirely new to me,” Dietrich explained in an interview we conducted as he stared out his window overlooking the traffic at Church and Hancock.. “But this move isn’t as much about the farming as it is about the simplicity. Oh and the gas prices. Look at all those cars. It’s time for me to get a buggy.”
Running a district the size of North Penn for 12 years can take its toll, but Dietrich hopes that his peregrination to pastoral simplicity will be just the fuel he needs for his post-career life.
“I have always absolutely admired the concept of the Amish barn raising,” Dietrich said. “The expedient work they do with such quality is amazing. My hope is that I can do some of that, and then I can maybe also come back as a substitute-super and head up the team who will build the new ninth grade center. We may be able to get that thing built in a day!”
Dietrich also lamented how he has to deal with an often petulant baseball coach complaining about their playing surface, and he believes he can acquire some skills in this area as well.
“I also think I can get a pole barn raising going for baseball and softball to train indoors in the winter,” Dietrich explained. “I just love the baseball and softball teams. It will be my way of, you know, giving back. Those coaches gave me all kinds of grief, and now I can give them a training facility.”
North Penn’s farmer in chief is excited about his new skills, but mostly it’s the slower paced simplicity that he really hopes for..
“What I’ve really come to realize is that I don’t need my cell phone in my pocket every minute. Emails can wait. Traffic lights only increase my blood pressure. And hanging with my family all day isn’t so bad after all,” Dietrich reflected. “I’ve driven through and around the country many times on my way out to Penn State games, but I’ve always been too busy to stop. Now, I’m too content to rush.”