Curing your 4th Marking Period blues
Staff writer, Skyler Simpson offers uplifting thoughts to help you get through the fourth marking period.
Most of us didn’t think we’d make it, but it’s here. Recently, we all started the 4th marking period, and depending what grade you’re in, it means different things.
For Seniors, it’s your last taste of North Penn. You’ve made it through 3 whole years here! You’ve probably committed to a college and can’t wait to get out of NP. Don’t rush it too much, though. High school probably brought you many firsts, and it might have been the best 3 years of your life. This is the last portion of time you have before you go off on your own into the world. Appreciate that, and make every moment last.
Juniors – next year is the year. Senior year is supposedly the best year ever, so get excited! Junior year brought stressful SATs and you probably worked really hard. Next year, you’ll be applying to colleges and the idea of your future will become a lot more real.
And to all my fellow Sophomores, you still have so much to do. Next year puts you on track with the rest of your life, and you’ll be one step closer to completing high school. You’ve finally gotten used to school, so next year is the year to get involved and make a name for yourself. If you’re like me, you’re probably eager to start your future. However, it’s better to live in the moment. The best years of your life have yet to happen, so allow yourself to appreciate the space you’re in.