If you had told North Penn alum Maria Pushart when she was a senior in high school that she’d be at Kutztown University, majoring in Public Relations as well as being the Vice President of Recruitment in her sorority, chances are she would not believe you.
“Originally, I was a communications major,” Pushart revealed as she sat on the floor of her room, finishing up some paintings for her sorority, Delta Phi Epsilon.
She daringly made the switch during her freshman year, second semester, and felt it was one of the best decisions she has made. Switching majors is actually a lot more common than one would think. Student Research Group shares that 80% of college students will switch their majors at least once.
“I personally didn’t like how flexible the major is,” Pushart said, “I don’t do well without structure. So, I switched to public relations.”
Through her new major, Pushart found a love for writing, which had likely sprouted from her time as a Knight Crier writer in the 2022/2023 season.
“I felt so much more secure and so much more passionate about what I’m doing,” Pushart shared.
The offer for a communications mentor happened to fall into Pushart’s hand. Pushart shared that she felt like she was struggling, so she said sure. It turned out to be just the thing she needed.
“She has her own PR firm and is a Kutztown graduate,” Pushart explained regarding her mentor, “she has been a tremendous help to my education in general.”
“I definitely think if you’re kind of struggling or you just feel a little lost — and even if you don’t feel lost — I feel like it definitely is such a great resource and for me at my school it’s free,” Pushart shared.
“It just offered me such good career insight and I definitely think if that’s something your college has, take advantage of it; and it’s a good way to network too,” Pushart encourages those in or going to college.
Quickly in her second semester of her freshman year, Pushart decided to become a tour guide for the school because of her love for the school.
“I just love this school so much that if I can help other people figure that out then I want to,” Pushart said, “[tour guiding has] really helped me, I feel like, with public speaking because I kind of feel like I definitely have ‘stage fright’ when it comes to public speaking. I feel like I can gather myself a little easier because I just do it for my job.”
Being the ‘face of the school,’ Pushart believes that “just forming simple bonds with people” was something she wanted to do to make a mark on their perception of the school.
“I want to show you that I have had a positive experience and that I’m genuinely passionate about where I go to school,” Pushart remarked.
Her college experience so far has taken many turns for the better.
“Never ever, did I think I would be such a sorority girl — but I’m vice president of recruitment for my sorority,” Pushart revealed.
“I like being a part of something that’s bigger than myself. I have to take care of myself and my role, but I also have to take care of my girls,” Pushart said about her role in the sorority.
“If you just want to branch out and network and form connections and just be a part of something bigger than yourself, I would recommend Greek life,” Pushart recommends to students who are considering Greek life.
Pushart remained really honest about her initial feelings about college
“If you were to ask me the summer before college if I was excited to go to college, I would tell you no. I was not ready for college. I was terrified out of my mind,” Pushart stated very seriously.
The note Pushart left off on was, what I thought, the most memorable and inspirational moment I’ve experienced.
“No matter what, changes come at you in life,” Pushart stated.
“Change is growth, whether it’s easy or hard; and I always just try to keep that in the back of my head. Like if I didn’t get what I wanted when it comes to change, that’s still me growing, it’s still me learning something,” Pushart recalled from a memory of her friend and fellow North Penn alum Tori Miller who shared the wise words.