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Review of ‘The Goldfinch’

The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt
The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt
Gianna Ciccone

Where to even start with this book? This is the best book I have ever read and I don’t think anything will ever compare. Since finishing it all I’ve wanted to do is reread it. The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt is a MUST read. It is captivating, incredibly written, and I would recommend it to everyone I know. Don’t be intimidated by its size; it’s 771 pages and kept my attention for no less than 750 pages. Truly the best book I’ve ever read. 


The Goldfinch is about a boy named Theo who survives the same accident that killed his mother. He is thirteen and alone in New York, his dad isn’t in the picture, and his mom is the one person who truly understood him. He still has one concrete thing to cling to: a small painting of a goldfinch, serving as a reminder of his mother. There’s one problem, this painting is a famous painting, worth millions of dollars, and is in the possession of a 13 year old. After the death of his mother, Theo goes to live with one of his family friends, Andy Barbour, who comes from a very wealthy family. While the Barbours have been nothing but kind to Theo, he is still struggling to fit in; a new place, a new family, and new, judgemental, looks from people at school. Nothing can take away the grief he feels for his mom. But in this first part, you get to meet Hobie, and oh what a guy. One of the sweetest characters I’ve ever read about and an almost father-figure throughout Theo’s life. 


Don’t worry, Theo doesn’t spend all 771 pages of the novel with the Barbours in New York. The book takes us through his life from age thirteen to adulthood in various different locations. Each time it switched to a different location I was SO sad because I just wanted to read more of the previous part. After the first part in the book, Theo moves to Vegas. This was maybe my favorite section. An unlikely friendship forms between Theo and Boris, and I don’t think I’ve ever been so attached to a character as I was with Boris. For a side character to have as much depth as Boris did, shows the incredible writing skill of the author. Donna Tartt, please write more books, thanks. This played a big part in my love for the book; the depth of the characters. I felt as if I truly knew them in real life and could have a conversation with them in full. 


I don’t want to say too much more about the places that Theo goes and the people he meets, but I promise you won’t be disappointed. Every story line fits perfectly together and you will not want to stop reading. This book could have been another 700 pages and I still would have read it. This book was so, so sad at parts but there isn’t a single thing I would change about it. By the end it will feel like you truly know Theo and the other characters. And lastly, the writing is indescribable. It is mesmerizing and beautifully poignant in a way I didn’t know was possible. Please read this book. 


Here’s my favorite quote: 


“We don’t get to choose our own hearts. We can’t make ourselves want what’s good for us or what’s good for other people. We don’t get to choose the people we are.” 


Like, hello?? Amazing, perfect, incredible. I haven’t stopped thinking about this book, please read it, I need to talk about it.

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Gianna Ciccone
Gianna Ciccone, Content Editor