“Live each day to the fullest, because you never know what tomorrow will bring”. This is the quote that can be found at the bottom of every email sent by Linda Law. But it’s not just a quote. Rather it is a line of words that has allowed Law to spend 53 years spreading kindness and love to the people of North Penn High School.
For 53 years Linda Law has been tenured by the North Penn School District. For 40 of those years, Law has spent her time navigating the halls of North Penn High School getting to know every kid, every family, and every teacher as the athletic secretary. Law has become a legend at North Penn, and her contributions are undeniable. While she considers it to be the best 53 years of her life, Law knows it is officially time to leave her legacy at the door.
“I am sad because I am leaving soon, but I think it is time,” Law shared.
When people talk about “bleeding North Penn blue”, no one quite understands what it means like Law. Not only has Law been working in the district for 53 years, but she also graduated from North Penn.
“I graduated from North Penn High School in 1971 and I was the last class to graduate from what is now Penndale Middle School. Originally I wanted to be a police officer,” Law said with a chuckle. “However, I took all the business courses at North Penn and found it very beneficial. Then one of the former teachers at my high school, who was a business teacher, said ‘Linda, you would be great working at a school’ and here I am”.
On August 25th, 1971, Law began working at Penndale which, at the time, was a Junior High School. Law was there for thirteen years before moving to Pennfield and then eventually landing a job at North Penn High School as the secretary to former athletic and activities director, Doc Ryan. Shortly after landing this job, Jim Finnemeyer was added to the team and the three were moved into a new office space and athletics was split from activities. With that split, Law became more focused on athletics, earning her the title of athletic secretary.
“I took the job because I wanted to help students. I am here for the kids. I love the students. I love the sports,” Law expressed. “I just enjoy what I do and I love working with the students and the coaches”.
During her time at North Penn, Law also picked up the responsibility of Key Club advisor. Key Club is an international service organization designed to get students volunteering and to encourage active leadership in the community. As someone who grew up involved in the community, Law took the opportunity to become the advisor in a heartbeat.

“My grandfather was the chief of West Point Volunteer Fire Company and my grandmother, mother, and I were all Presidents of the ladies auxiliary. I even volunteered at my church in Lansdale. Volunteering is just in my blood. So when the position of Key Club advisor became available I took it, and have been doing it for almost 30 years now,” Law shared. “I enjoy helping the school and the community and getting the kids involved because that is what it is all about. I think it makes our school and community a better place. You are making someone’s life a little better”.
While Law has had many special experiences and opportunities working in the district, something that was particularly special for her was getting to see her children and grandson thrive in the environment she loves.
“Both of my children graduated from here. My daughter Chrissy was in the special education program, she graduated in 1997, and my son Todd graduated in 2002. Todd wrestled and played soccer and was involved in all kinds of sports,” Law explained. “My grandson also started at North Penn. He is special needs and is now 23 years old and he went to the Pathway school. North Penn is just in my blood”.
As she sits in an office lined with photos of family members, it is clear that for Law, family is everything. For Law, her family’s support is what she believes has helped carry her this far through her career.
“My husband knows I am a people person and I will just tell him ‘Hey I have basketball tonight’ or ‘Hey I will be at the football game’ and ‘I will see you when I see you,’” Law said laughing. “He just knows how much I love being at the sports events and everything and that I am always helping out and he is very supportive of that”.
Although her family’s support has helped her tremendously, Law believes that the people who truly helped her the most throughout her career, have been her coworkers.
“The people that I work with have truly allowed me to have longevity in this job. Doc Ryan and I worked together for thirty years and he still comes once a week even though he has been retired for about ten years. Don Walsh and I worked well together,” Law shared. “ I have so many friends in this building. I mean, some of the teachers that are teaching now were students when I first started”.
Watching generations go through the school, things have changed before Law’s eyes. With this in mind, Law has had to adapt to many of the changes as they come. However, one thing that has always remained the same is her pursuit of making every North Penn student leave with a kinder heart.
“I hope I was able to teach the students here just how to be a friend. Help others when they need help and just be kind,” Law revealed. “There are always going to be disrespectful people, but you see that everywhere. However, you have the power to spread more kindness.”
Law has impacted so many students throughout her years at North Penn simply by following her “law” of spreading kindness into the world. As years pass, Law is consistently shocked by how much she has impacted those around her.
“Last night I was helping out at the boy’s volleyball game and one of the boys came up to me and said they were going to win for me. That was so special,” Law said with a smile. “It really warms my heart because you see the impact you have on these kids”.
Current Key Club President, MJ Tareq, has gotten to know Mrs. Law and sees how she impacts students and the community every single day.
“I have had the delight of knowing Mrs. Law through Key Club. Her dedication is truly remarkable. Despite a busy schedule, she always manages to bring energy to North Penn,” Tareq stated. “She is always motivating everyone and spreading kindness wherever she can.”
As Law reflects on her 53 years at North Penn, she is overcome with a tremendous amount of joy. Between the memories, the people, and her overall love for the school and her job, Law knows she was lucky to be a part of something that filled her with so much satisfaction.
“North Penn is my home away from home and everyone here is my family. I have been here for 53 years and I don’t think there are many people that can say they have been in a job that long that they love and enjoy,” Law expressed. “There are so many positive things that have come from my time here. You have to enjoy what you do and if you don’t then get out.”
As someone who is passionate about her career, Law hopes that whoever takes over her position can share the same passion and love that she was able to maintain.
“I am the only athletic secretary this school district has ever had at North Penn High School. I have been in this building for 40 years and I have always done the athletic part of it,” Law explained. “I just hope and pray that the district hires someone who has sports knowledge, who loves kids, and who wants to help the students because that is a big part of it. You can’t just sit at your desk and know everything that is going on around you.”

While on the outside it may seem like Law is officially leaving, deep down she knows she never truly could.
“I will never be separated from North Penn because I just love it here so much,” Law expressed. “But I guess it is time for me to have some sleep in mornings and some me time.”
While she may be sad about stepping away from her job, with so much extra free time, Law has a long list of things she plans to accomplish.
“I have never had a summer off in 53 years so for my first summer off I plan on golfing, going to my home in West Virginia, working in my garden, and just doing the things I want to do,” Law shared. “I want to spend more time with my grandson Jason too. He is my only grandchild and he is my pride and joy. I go to visit him every Sunday but now that I am retiring I am excited to be able to go spend more time with him”.
While this is a pretty extensive list, Law couldn’t help but add one extra bucket list item.
“I need to go to Memphis Tennessee and see Elvis’s mansion. I am an Elvis collector,” Law said proudly.
As Law prepares to say goodbye to North Penn she hopes that if her students learned anything from her, it is to love life and be kind.
“Learn to be kind and live life to the fullest,” Law exclaimed. “Like my grandmother always said, ‘Live each day to the fullest because you never know what tomorrow will bring.”