Dr. Tomorrow Jenkins joins NPHS admin team
Dr. Tomorrow Jenkins, North Penn High School’s newest addition to the admin team, comes from Pennbrook Middle School, where she was the building principal. (Photo Credit: Riley Roach)
TOWAMENCIN – Tomorrow is here today.
Dr. Tomorrow Jenkins that is. She is the newest addition to the administrative team at North Penn High School, as an assistant principal that with the sophomore class.
Prior to coming to the high school, Jenkins has had a lot of experience in her field.
“I was at Kennett High School in Kennett Square. It was in the Kennett Consolidated School District. I was there for actually sixteen years. I was an assistant principal in that area. It’s in southern Chester County. They call it the mushroom capital of the world,” Jenkins said.
Having experience is crucial in the field of education and administration. More important, is what you gain from your experiences and how you choose to improve. For Jenkins, her sixteen years of experience at Kennett, as well as being the principal at Pennbrook, helped her so much.
“Being [at Kennett] gave me lots of experience and kids are kids wherever you go. As far as relationships and understanding kids and dealing with issues, I have that preparation. One of the big differences is we had around 1,800 and you have around 3,000 students,” Jenkins explained.
The huge difference in the number of students proves to be a challenge, but Jenkins explained how she plans to tackle the change and meet as many students as possible.
“I don’t want to necessarily just know the people that come to the office. I have got to get out to the sporting events and to the activities, like the play. I ask questions when people come in or I pass people and ask their names. I anticipate that it’s going to be a rough task, a tough task, but I’m up for the challenge,” Jenkins said.
The students are Jenkins’ favorite parts of her job. Sweet moments in her career only led her to fall in love with what she does even more on a day-to-day basis.
“For me, I went to 16 proms and 16 graduations. Those were the two highlights. To see the kids all dressed up and having fun and enjoying themselves. I get chill bumps even now,” Jenkins reminisced, “And they had a special dance that was just for the seniors and they couldn’t invite anybody else. You had to be a senior at the high school and it was so special because it was just them and they got to say goodbye and they got to enjoy each other. They would cry every year. It was really special.”
In order to further her abilities to help the people who are most important to her, Jenkins wants to further her education. But how would you get something higher than a doctorate? More school.
“I would totally go back to school and get another degree. Let me just say that I’m actually thinking about it,” Jenkins explained, “I like special education and business. I also like customer service, so I think going back and learning some of those things so I could be a better principal. I thought about having two doctorates, or my doctorate is an EdD and there’s also the PhD. I’m thinking maybe I do a PhD. That’d be kind of cool. I love learning, so it’s kind of right up my alley.”
Jenkins’ huge passion and love for her students push her every day to keep coming to work and want to learn to be able to help as much as she can. Along with helping in an administrative way, she also offered advice and hands-on experience for students who may want a job parallel to hers in the future.
“In my old school, I ran a program where seniors, and sometimes juniors, could get out of school, go to the elementary school, and support teachers in the elementary,” Jenkins explained, “It was like a pipeline because there were kids that really just wanted to get out of study hall because it was so boring. So they’re like, ‘Okay, I’ll do it,’ and then they’re working with these kids and they fall in love with these kids and they’re like, ‘I could totally do this’. So, I think preparing students like exposing them early on gives them the opportunity because if you don’t like kids, don’t do it. I mean, kids know if a teacher is bad. Kids can tell.”
Jenkins’ dedication to her students and career path is evident to anyone and she is a wonderful addition to the North Penn community.
“This is not being video recorded, but you can see my big smile. My cheeks are actually hurting right now because it’s such a big smile. I’m super excited. You know, if I’m with kids in the school setting, I’m just happy. So, it doesn’t really matter where I am because I love what I do, my husband says, ‘I’ve never seen anybody who gets up every day and wants to go,’” Jenkins said, “It’s just so it brings me alive. It’s so exciting. It’s just a beautiful thing and I really love it. And so you’ve got somebody here that’s super passionate, that really loves what they do, and is going to help every way they can for kids to be successful.”