Kylie Holmes taking a shot at future in England

Holmes fights her way through the defense in the pursuit to put the Knights on the board during the 2022 Knights season
Kylie Holmes knows when she takes her first step onto the field things are going to be extremely different. Not just because she will be playing with different coaches and teammates, but because she will be playing a much different level of soccer, European soccer for that matter. You read that right. Kylie Holmes is going to be playing in England.
For most seniors in high school that next step of going off to college is a big one. For the first time in your life, you are independent and living in an unfamiliar area without the comfort of your home, parents, and childhood friends. This can be a scary and uncomfortable step, and most students aren’t brave enough to venture out of the state, let alone out of the country. But Holmes, a North Penn senior, is pushing those fears aside and preparing to take on the next chapter of her life in England.
For Holmes, playing soccer in Europe is the next step she needs to enhance her level of play.
“European soccer is so different from soccer in America,” Holmes stated. “I know playing soccer overseas will help me continue to develop my skills and reach my goal of becoming the best player I can be. For me though, it was also about the amount of soccer I will get to play. I like that in England you get to play nine months out of the year whereas in America, schools only play for three to four months.”
Holmes has always had the vision to play in England and now that her dreams are finally coming true she can’t wait to start this new journey.
“Playing soccer in England after high school has always been a goal of mine. I like the pathway they have set up to allow you to grow as a player. I am very excited to be pushed out of my comfort zone and play in a different environment. I feel like this experience will push me to become my best self not only on the field but off the field as well,” Holmes shared.

While she is excited about the new path ahead of her, this doesn’t come without some nerves and doubts.
“I am a little nervous about being so far away from my family and friends and not getting to see them very often,” Holmes shared. “I also won’t get to come home for holidays or during the summer like all my friends which makes me sad”.
Obviously, nerves are common when being pushed out of your comfort zone and when having to adapt to a new way of life. While the nerves set in occasionally, Holmes chooses to focus more on the positives and all the opportunities she is excited about.
“I know I will be leaving my friends and a big part of my life behind but I can’t help but think about how excited I am to meet new people and my teammates. I also feel like this is giving me the opportunity to visit new countries and to be able to experience more of the world,” Holmes revealed.
Holmes has big plans for herself in England and was willing to provide a glimpse at all the thrilling plans she has coming up.
“During my time in England, I will be attending Northumbria University which is partnered with i2i International Womens Soccer Academy located in Newcastle. My plan is to major in business and hopefully earn my bachelor’s degree in three years as opposed to in America where it would typically take four years,” Holmes shared. “My ultimate goal is to own my own business while continuing to play soccer.”
Holmes truly feels like her success and dreams lie in England. That is why she sees herself continuing her life in England rather than in the United States.
“If things work out for me with soccer and earning my business degree I will definitely remain in England and continue to build off my success there,” Holmes stated. “I know that England is where my heart and soul are. Even my parents always felt that I would end up in England. We all feel that this will truly be the beginning of my career.”
When Holmes was asked who her biggest inspiration is she was quick to respond with, “my mom”. Holmes feels as if her mom has always helped her no matter the circumstances and has always continued to encourage her to shoot for the stars, or in this case, the goal.
“My biggest inspiration is definitely my mom. I see how hard she works for our family and I know she will always do anything to help me reach my goals. She has continuously pushed me over the years to be the best person I can be and I am forever grateful for that,” Holmes stated. “She has always believed in me and has always told me that she knows I am going to do great things in my future.”
As Holmes prepares to take a shot at England, she wants all her friends, teammates, and coaches to know that she will always carry North Penn with her. While she may be far away, the people and memories will remain close in her heart.
“I will miss the great group of friends I have made during my time at North Penn. I will never forget all of the great memories I made over the four years I played soccer here,” Holmes shared. “I am grateful to have been able to be a part of such a wonderful school”.