Family influence leads Hannah Kim to world of art

Hannah Kim using her artistic talents. Kim’s current artworks are centered around realism.
Hours and hours of sketching, drawing, and erasing to produce just one piece of artwork… This routine never gets old for North Penn High School student Hannah Kim, who has produced numerous pieces of artwork and intends to continue producing many more.
Her two older sisters introduced Hannah to the world of art.
“It began with my sisters. They really liked art when they were little and they started to teach me and they were really enthusiastic about it. From there I just kept on getting better at it,” Kim explained.
Kim sees art as a possible career option in the future.
“I applied to some colleges as a CS plus art [major] so it would go into the computer graphics/animation area but I am not 100% sure. But that’s the direction I want to go in,” Kim said.
Different aspects of her life influence the pieces she makes such as social media, movies, and her sisters.
“I draw a lot of fan art. Whether it is BTS or K-pop stars or other shows I watch,” Kim added.
She has many outstanding pieces of artwork, which makes it difficult to choose just one as a favorite.
“It’s hard to tell which is my best piece of artwork. I would probably say one of my recent ones. I used digital art to create a scene and an emotion of what I am feeling at that moment and it’s personal to me. That’s why I believe it’s one of my better ones,” Kim stated.
Art has helped her in other aspects of her life as well.
“It definitely helps me think more about myself and really develop what I am thinking at the moment. It helps me deal with any emotions I am struggling with and helps me process them,” Kim said.
At North Penn, Kim immersed herself in many art classes.
“I took Art Major in 9th grade and a summer art class in 10th grade. In 11th grade I took Studio Art and this year I am taking AP Art Drawing,” Kim added.
Kim reveals the key to becoming a better artist: practice and consistency.
“It’s really just practice. I would say I don’t think I draw that often but just the fact that you’re doing it consistently and thinking about what you want to get better at helped develop my skills,” Kim explained.
Over time her art style has shifted.
“In the beginning it was just fanart like copying what I see on the screen or just characters but then I got into more realism and a more storytelling art style,” Kim stated.
The purpose for Kim’s art is to help others “resonate with it” and “find peace within themselves.” Additionally, she sometimes draws fanart for fun.
Her biggest motivation to keep going with art was encouragement from people around her.
“I think a lot of it was encouragement from my friends, family, and classmates that made me want to keep on going with it,” Kim said.