Artists abound in Virtual Art Show – VOTE NOW

The next Picasso is waiting to be discovered and could be found this week at North Penn. This week voting takes place at North Penn High school for the Virtual Art Show, a tradition started over the pandemic, featuring student artists and their different forms of artwork.

Many different students were selected by their teachers to have their artwork featured in North Penn’s 2022-2023 virtual art show. Artwork can be viewed from the Instagram and Twitter account for North Penn Art, @NPSDArt.

“The Virtual Show has fifty student artworks that are selected by their teachers,” Mr. Michael Werner, Art teacher at North Penn said. 

Art work ranges from photography, sketches, ceramics, and even animations. This show gives students the opportunity to share work with others that may have not seen it before.

“Only North Penn High School Art Department classwork is displayed in North Penn High School Art Shows,” Werner said.

Voting has begun and ends on February 3rd. To vote students must use this google form found on both Instagram and Twitter and vote for their top five favorite pieces.