Behind the scenes of the 2023 winter ball

Nick Lupinacci

Winter Ball lights up the North Penn gym

At 7 pm Friday night, over 1000 students started crowding the halls of North Penn High School for the 2023 Winter Ball. This annual event is a bright spot for students to look forward to in the post-winter-break exam grind of January.  

The junior class planned the Winter Ball with assistance from the class advisors, Mr. Christopher Frey and Mrs. Christina Greenwood. The planning began in October when the planning committee had to lock in the DJ, photo booth companies, and a date to set for the big night. They also began discussions regarding food, decorations, and more to get approval from administrators. Meetings were held to vote on ticket prices and decorations.

In December and January, everything had to start coming together. 

“There are a lot of small details leading up to the big event!” Greenwood says.

Students run the ticket sales two weeks before the dance, and while the junior class cabinet does the heavy lifting with planning, they often get plenty of help. 

“The great thing about Class Cabinet is the assistance we get from other cabinet members from the Sophomore and Senior class if and when needed,” Greenwood stated

When students walked into the school for this year’s ball, they were immediately caught up in the festive atmosphere. The hallway was decorated with lights, and music flowed from the gym. The gym was decorated with more colored lights punctuated periodically with special effects from the DJ. Many students spent several hours dancing in the gym, but those who wanted a break could head out to the sports lobby to catch up with friends, grab a soft pretzel and water, or take their pictures at the photo booth. The DJ did a great job playing songs that everybody knew and that everyone could dance to. One of the best things about the Winter Ball, according to Senior Mark Rodoff, is that he gets a chance to see friends he doesn’t typically see in school. 

“It was cool because all of the grades were there, so I saw people I don’t usually get to,” Rodoff said.

This year’s Winter Ball was a great success, as everyone seemed to enjoy dressing up and seemed to have a great time. Thank you to the junior class for their hard work in making it a night to remember for North Penn.