Meaghan Fox will continue her academic career at Penn State.
Knights next quest: Meaghan Fox
What schools did you apply to?
I applied to Bloomsburg, West Chester, the University of Pittsburgh, and Penn State.
Which schools are your top choices and why?
Wester Chester and Penn State are my two top schools at the moment because both of them have good biology and health programs.
What are your career goals and aspirations?
My top career goal would be to graduate from school and become and physician’s assistant. Ultimately I would love to work in a hospital.
What are you most excited about next year?
I am most excited about not having to wake up early in the morning and having fewer classes each day!
What is your favorite North Penn memory?
One of my favorite North Penn memories is the football games. I always really enjoyed them because they brought everyone together and it was fun to express our school spirit.