Kerzmann brings love of math from Pennfield to North Penn High School
Kerzmann turns over a new leaf and transitions to NPHS
This school year, Mr. Gerald Kerzmann transferred from Pennfield to North Penn High School. The main difference he notes is the shift from a 90-minute block schedule to 45-minute periods. He reflects on the first week of school and mentions over-planning for his classes.
“One of the main reasons I requested a transfer to the high school is because I coach the Girl’s Cross Country team…This is my first year as the head coach of the team and I think it’s a lot easier to be in the building,” explained Kerzmann.
Kerzmann intends to advise MathCounts at Pennfield as November approaches. However, because he is heavily involved with North Penn High School, he finds it difficult to form bonds with students in middle school.
“In the second week of November I’ll start up with MathCounts.This year I have a lot of 7th graders who are coming back. But that is going to be tough because I am not at Pennfield making connections with the kids. So I’m trying to get one of the math teachers at Pennfield to be one of the co-advisers with me. So that way they have connections with the kids,” Kerzmann said.
MathCounts consist of top math performers in the school. The students stay after school to complete some problem sets and prepare for the competition. In addition to coaching Girl’s Cross Country Kerzmann also coaches the Boy’s Track Team at PF.
“It’s easier coming from the high school and coaching at the middle school, because the high school day ends at 2:12…Pennfield is only 10 minutes away. I can drive down and get to Pennfield at 3:00 before practice starts,” Kerzmann added.
Outside of school, most of Kerzmann’s time is spent with his five sons.
“My oldest is at college but with my other four I help coach a couple of baseball teams. I’m involved with Cub Scouts and three of my boys play soccer so we are constantly going to different soccer tournaments,” Kerzmann explained.
In his spare time, he enjoys listening to baseball games on the radio, running, and reading.
“I tell my boys they have to read so I want to be a good example. I like to do things in order since I’m working through the Jack Reacher Series; I’ll finish that first before I move onto something else…My favorite movie is The Shawshank Redemption. I like reading books so I appreciate the storytelling part of the movie,” Kerzmann said.
People outside of school, friends, and even students frequently ask Kerzmann, “Do you like teaching high school or middle school?” Kerzmann enjoys teaching at both levels, but he observes a distinct difference in mentality and culture between the two.
“Middle school I really enjoy because you can be goofy with middle school kids…The high school I am really enjoying so far because for the most part kids are very focused and driven. Seeing the kids from 8th grade mature and grow up has been enjoyable to see,” Kerzmann added.