Wente away and now back again
Wente is back and is powering through the school year.
Torry Wente finds himself back at a familiar location; Backstage of a NPHS Theatre production.
While Wente was a student at North Penn, he found interest in the engineering programs, frequently finding himself in H pod. Discovering little things that he enjoyed doing, he became a part of the production crew for the Thespian/Theatre shows for the fall plays and the spring musicals. There he did lighting and went through with it for all three years of high school.
“I didn’t really do sports, it was the engineering academy and theatre,” Wente described.
After graduating from North Penn, Wente found himself at Penn State Abington. After three semesters, he figured that it wasn’t right for him and established himself at New Jersey Transit as a locomotive engineer and operated one million pound trains. Although he found the job exciting, the other counterparts did not bring the same joy.
“It drained my emotional and physical everything and it wasn’t what I wanted to do,” Wente explained.
After coming back to the North Penn School District, Wente reconnected with people from his past and found the joy he was looking for. While settling back into the area, he found a position that allowed him to work for North Penn, seeing it as an amazing opportunity only career-wise, but happiness-wise.
He reminisced of the past he had at North Penn and what an absolute blast of a time he had.
Wente was hired by the district and travels to every branch making sure that the literal backbone of the school is supported properly. Wente’s day to day is always changing and he has a set schedule he receives every day.
“I try and work around the schedule of the schools, especially the elementary schools because of the kids and I don’t want to just walk in and start fixing things,” Wente said.
Now that he is back at North Penn, Wente feels much more comfortable and really gets to enjoy his days.
“Going into a school I went to is such a surreal feeling. But I love it,” Wente elaborated.
In terms of joining the school production, there was no hesitation for him. He immediately remembered the amazing times he had as a student himself participating in the exact activity. Being part of the production crew was a highlight of Wente’s high school career and wanted to make sure that the current students were feeling the same way.
Although his day to day is not working on making a school play look its very best, his work around the school does not go unnoticed. From fixing the auditorium lights to making sure that all the ID swipes are working, Wente’s days at North Penn are crucial and appreciated.