SGA Candidate Profiles for 2020-2021
Connor Niszczak, News Editor
It is election time once again at North Penn High School. And in the actual building or not, the candidates for SGA 2020-2021 are in full campaign mode. Here is all you need to know about this year’s candidates.
Molly Ostrowski-SGA Recording Secretary Candidate
Why are you running for Recording Secretary? I am running to be Recording Secretary, because I believe I have the qualities it takes to be a successful leader who will write down and gather information to be passed on to the student body. What qualities do you possess that make you the best candidate? I believe that my peers should vote for me because I have experience. I was secretary of stude...
Molly Caspar-SGA Corresponding Secretary Candidate
Why are you running for Corresponding Secretary? "I am running for office because I am passionate about being involved in the decision making process for events at North Penn. I wanted to find a way that I could make a bigger difference on the school, student body, and activities, and thought that an officer position would be a great way to do that. I have been involved in Student Government fo...
Sabina Parra-SGA Recording Secretary Candidate
Why are you running for Recording Secretary? "I am running for Recording Secretary because I'd love to continue my journey in Student Government and keep involved on what goes on at North Penn HS." What qualities do you possess that make you the best candidate? "I deserve the vote of my peers because although this position does not have the upper hand, such as a President, I have enough expos...
Casey Brennan-SGA Treasurer Candidate
Why are you running for Treasurer? "I am running for Treasurer because I have countless fundraising ideas that will benefit both the school and the student body. I would also like to make a meaningful contribution to Student Government through my academic and leadership skills." What qualities do you possess that make you the best candidate? "I deserve the vote of my peers because I am a very well-r...
Eric Hamilton-SGA Vice Presidential Candidate
Why are you running for Vice President? "I am running for Vice President because as an 8 year member of student government, I've accumulated numerous ideas and experiences that I can apply to the upcoming year." What qualities do you possess that make you the best candidate? "I deserve the vote of my peers because I have proven my commitment to student government by running for office sinc...
Maura Schaeffer-SGA Vice Presidential Candidate
Why are you running for Vice President? "I am running for this particular office because I think I would do a great job being a Vice President because it requires a lot of working together. I get along well with everyone and have experience in SGA and I feel that this position would suit me best. Working along side others to create something meaningful is when I work best and I want to have an infl...
Oleksandr Zavalov-SGA Presidential Candidate
Why are you running for President? "I am striving to make North Penn a better place for everyone. My goal is to expand North Penn High School's activity program and increase students' participation in advanced course offerings. I want to inform everyone about the possibilities that are waiting for them." What qualities do you possess that make you the best candidate? "I am responsible and...
Jojo Dalwadi-SGA Presidential Candidate
Why are you running for President? "Our time was cut short this year because of obvious reasons, and now more than ever, we have a student body that actually wants to attend school events. One of the main takeaways from distance learning is how much we took school spirit for granted. And since SGA is in charge of school events like Powderpuff, a Volleyball tournament, and many more, it is our j...
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