Rissmiller is off to American University to study international relations – she hopes to become a Foreign Service Officer.
Senior Spotlight: Caitlin Rissmiller
Future plans:
“I will be attending American University in Washington DC and studying International Relations with minors in both French and German. I intend to become a Foreign Service Officer in the State Department.”
Favorite NPHS memory:
“My favorite NPHS memories are the German club trip to the Christmas Market or attending WAMUNC with Model UN.”
Favorite classes:
“My favorite classes were definitely all of my language, history, and english classes. Especially AP Lang and AP Euro!
Favorite teacher:
“All of my teachers have made my time at North Penn amazing, but I would like to especially thank Madame Fuga, Mrs. Kratz, Mr. Lorandeau, and Herr Baker. Mrs. Kratz helped me so much with sharpening my writing skills and her class made me love English again. Madame Fuga helped me not only with French, but in all aspects of high school. She is a huge role model for me and I’m so thankful I had her for 2 years in a row! I’ve had Herr Baker every year of high school and his class ultimately guided me towards my career. I’m definitely going to miss taggeschau and our daily greetings! Mr Lorandeau taught my absolute favorite class (Euro) and his passion for History and George Washington is something I will never forget. He pushed me to improve my writing and analysis that lead me to being successful on the AP exam.”
Advice to incoming sophomores:
“Sophomores, definitely join as many clubs as you can and soak up every minute of high school.”
To the Class of 2021, I leave…
“Hopefully, a fun and memorable senior year that doesn’t end in March.”