Course Selection: Comprehensive Music Technology
Students practicing in CMT class.
With course selection fast approaching, the list of courses to choose from becomes more daunting. However, if you’re looking for a fun class that includes performing while learning more about the behind the scenes of making and editing music, Comprehensive Music Technology is the perfect choice for you.
Comprehensive Music Technology 6335 (6 periods – 1 credit)
Prerequisite: Music Technology with a “B” or higher. Successful completion of Fundamentals of Music is recommended.
Taught by Mr. Dan Tumolo, CMT is a course that encompasses many aspects of music and technology. Over time, this course has morphed into a more performance based class. CMT performs at the annual North Penn Winter Concert, as well as at their own concert in the spring. Recently, CMT has been invited to perform at the AAAC assembly and the annual BC/EFA gala for its twentieth anniversary.
The course has the music technology aspect as well. Throughout the year, students will learn their music through programs such as Logic and Finale. Students are able to take apart songs, focus in on certain instruments in a song to hear their part, and transcribe songs through the technology programs. There will be time in class in the beginning of the year to get familiar with these programs if there are students who haven’t used them before, as well as assignments throughout the course to learn more and be more comfortable with using them everyday.
“CMT is a wonderful opportunity for students to learn, perform and record modern, popular music. If you are a strong singer or instrumentalist, we would love to have you join the class. See me in D009 with any questions,” said Mr. Tumolo.