Top 10 2018 Holiday Wishlist

A child plays in front of a Christmas decoration resembling gifts on the Zamkowy Square in Warsaw, Poland, Sunday, Dec 23, 2012, one day ahead of Christmas Eve. (AP Photo/Alik Keplicz)
Gifts are one of my favorite aspects of this time of year, and the holiday season is upon us. However, I tend to get stressed out trying to figure out the perfect gift to give to my friends and family. I know that I’m not the only one that has this problem, so I decided to help you guys out. I made a survey and asked people to name the top three things they were asking for this holiday season. I tallied the data and found the top 10 items on the wishlist of high school students this year.
10. Video Games
This gift is pretty straightforward, but plenty of people would love to open up a new video game. If you know what type of gaming system they have, you can take a trip to GameStop and find a video game.
9. Books
This one surprised me when I reviewed the results, but students want to receive books for the holidays! A great way to spend their winter break would be snuggling into a warm blanket with a cup of hot chocolate and reading a brand new book.
8. iPhone
Recently, Apple came out with new iPhones, and an upgrade is something any student would like to receive – including the iPhone XS, XS Max, and XR. Since these new products came out, the prices of the older models have gone down too, so even if it is not the newest phone, an older model would be a great gift as well.
7. Makeup
If you know anyone who is into beauty products, this would be a great gift to give them. Makeup, especially good quality makeup, can be expensive and it can add up. However, you can to Ulta Beauty and get any of the following items: eyeshadow palettes, concealer, brushes, bronzer, highlighter, primer, powder, and many more. It’s important, however, to do your research. Some brands/products have bad reviews and aren’t worth the money. Some good brands to look into are Morphe, Tarte, Too Faced, Nars, and MAC.
6. Airpods
Airpods are a popular gift being asked by high school students this year. They’re such a good gift to give because, especially if the person loves music, they will be put to good use. Yes, they are pricey, but it is a great investment for school, the gym, and just around the house wear.
5. Laptop
This is a popular gift asked for by seniors or college students that are looking for a way to more effectively complete schoolwork. Most people are asking specifically for a Macbook, which is the laptop of most students choice for its durability and dependability. Yes, this laptop is expensive, but don’t worry. This gift will not go to waste and will be put to good use.
4. Money
This gift is a given, ANYONE would love to receive some cash. Most of the people who want money want it for a specific purpose, like if they are saving up for a trip or clothes that are more expensive. This is a gift that you can always trust that will be gladly received by anyone you choose to give it to.
3. Giftcards
Giftcards are always a great option to give to people because you are allowing for them to pick out their own gift. Especially if you are looking for a gift for someone you do not know super well, a gift card is perfect because the pressure of finding the “perfect” gift they will like is taken of your shoulders and you will know the person who is receiving the gift card will make a good use out of it. Some common places people are asking to receiving Gift Cards for are Urban Outfitters, Amazon, H&M, Sephora, and Pacsun.
2. Clothes
Clothes are such a good gift to give around this time of year because the weather is getting colder, so any kind of warm article of clothing is greatly received. Many people are asking for fuzzy coats, sweatshirts, and sweatpants to keep warm around this time of year. Along with that, people are asking for fuzzy socks, leggings, jeans, and other basics that are always needed in anyone’s closet.
1. Shoes
The most requested gift this year is shoes. Shoes are a staple gift for all people because everyone needs shoes, and with every new season comes new shoes that are “in.” Fads are always circulating through schools on what shoes are popular to be wearing on our feet, and most people are asking for new boots since it is getting cold outside. Other shoes people are asking for are Vans, Sanuks, Sneakers, Crocs, and sneakers for the upcoming sports seasons.