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Becca Rosenblatt directing in Madison, Wisconsin.

Alumni Spotlight: Becca Rosenblatt

Since graduating from North Penn in 2014, Becca Rosenblatt has gone on to do great things at Temple University and pursue her passion for television in Madison, Wisconsin.

As a student at North Penn, Rosenblatt was involved with the theatre program, the Thespian troupe, NPTV, and the Knight Crier. When she graduated from North Penn to further her academics at Temple University, she continued with similar activities such as Temple University Television, where she was a director for multiple programs that were student produced. Rosenblatt was also a student ambassador for the Klein College of Media and Communication and would give tours of the communications building to prospective students. Additionally, Rosenblatt was a sister of Phi Sigma Sigma and was involved with the Honors Program in various honors student organizations.

After graduating from Temple in the spring of 2018, Becca moved to Madison, Wisconsin for a job at the ABC affiliate as a newscast director/editor on the morning show. Rosenblatt moved to Wisconsin without knowing anyone, but has already made many close friends in and out of work.

“I moved about a month after graduating so it was a bit of a quick transition. I’ve been working here for almost 6 months now and I’m transitioning to be a full time director since one of our other morning show directors took a different position in the company… I’m exploring Madison, it’s a nice college town, and getting to know the Wisconsin way of life! It includes a lot of cheese.” commented Rosenblatt.

One-on-one with Becca Rosenblatt:

What was your favorite part about college?

“There’s so many great parts – my favorites include being able to meet people from all over the country with all different points of view and career goals – it’s really interesting to learn what makes people pursue different majors. My other favorite part was being involved with Temple University Television – I met my best friends in this organization and had really great experiences working with the people involved with TUTV.”

What do you miss most about North Penn?

“I miss being able to see my friends in [my activities] all the time and spending time with them. I also miss the teachers I had and their encouragement as I went through high school and tried to figure out what I wanted to do once I got to college and beyond.”

What advice would you give to high school students?

“I would say that high schoolers should take advantage of every opportunity to broaden their horizons. Classes I took on a whim as a freshman and sophomore influenced what kind of internships and experiences I pursued later in college. Another piece of advice would be to travel as much as you can, especially taking advantage of traveling abroad with college programs. I would never have dreamed of moving halfway across the country after graduating if i didn’t study in London the summer before my junior year and Los Angeles the summer before senior year. I learned so much about myself, was able to see new parts of the world, and became a more independent, self-sufficient person.”

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