Fifty Year Flashback: Celebrating Homecoming in 1966
As NPSD celebrates 50 years, the Knight Crier takes a look back at NP past
Image courtesy of 1967 Accolade
Cruising through Lansdale in 1967, NPHS students get ready for Homecoming
October 9, 2015
Even before there were pregame parties and selfies with court members, Homecoming was one of the highlights of the school year for NPHS students. As members of the 2015 Homecoming court and their classmates gear up for tonight’s halftime crowning, the Knight Crier looks back at a Homecoming tradition of years past- the Homecoming parade.
In 1966, a convertible was the ride of choice for these members of the Homecoming Court as they cruised through the streets of Lansdale on their way to the old North Penn High School (the current Penndale Middle School). While today’s court members must provide their own (usually enclosed and considerably more safe) transportation to events, at the end of the night, the timeless tradition of crowning the Homecoming king and queen remains as popular as ever.