K31- Mrs. Joanne Borchers
North Penn graduate Mrs. Joanne Borchers returns to NPHS this year as the new secretary in K31 to greet students and, hopefully, make their day a little bit better. After graduating from NPHS, Borchers attended Montgomery County Community College and married her husband of now thirty years. She discovered her love of children in her three kids, two of which are now teachers while her youngest just graduated from Temple. After raising her children, Borchers worked at Penndale Middle School for thirteen years. Starting her new job at NPHS Borchers finds every day is different and a new learning experience.
“I think what I like best so far is seeing the kids I knew so well in middle school now being more mature and on their way to adulthood,” Borchers noted.
When not helping students, she loves to read, make jewelry, attend zumba classes, and is involved with her church. Hopefully the students of K31 will make her transition a pleasant one.
F40- Mrs. Maggie deMarteleire
Walking down the halls of North Penn High School on the first day as the new girls basketball coach Mrs. Maggie deMarteleire can only describe as a surreal experience. Seven seasons later she still loves NPHS and the upbeat, corporative people. Now, she adds to her role at NPHS as she takes on the new task as attendance secretary in F-40.
Pior to joining NPHS, deMarteleire also coached at Lansdale Catholic, her alma mater, for eighteen years. After high school, she attended Widener University then went on to be a supervisor at the Royersford post office for twenty eight years. deMarteleire subbed at NPHS last year, but her new job lets her experience everyday North Penn life in F40 and so far she loves it.
As a head coach, being in the building now on a daily basis will have its advantages.
“Being here will give me a better feel for what goes on in the school. It will definitley be a plus, ” said deMarteliere.
D103- Mrs. Susan McHugh
Walking into D103 the first thing one will see is Mrs. Susan McHugh’s desk and the chocolates she has placed to make anyone’s day just a little sweeter. McHugh has found everyday at North Penn to be a delight ever since joining NPHS as the library secretary, a position she held for seven years. Her new duties are, however, a little different now.
“The biggest difference now is that I’m working with students from a completely different angle. Before I helped them much more from an academic angle with things like research. Now its more so a lot of discipline stuff, ” explained McHugh.
She will miss being updated about books in the library, but is already a valued member of the D103 family, Mrs. Schwartz even claiming “She’s the best.”
McHugh has always known she was meant for becoming a secretary right out of Paul VI High School. After having many secretary jobs over the years, the most memorable running her husband’s office, her favorite job has been working at NPHS saying “working with kids keeps you young.” McHugh has two kids of her own, twenty five year old Brianna and twenty one year old Bill. When she is not spending time with her kids or her husband she loves to work out and bike.