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A year being in the zone

Some students choose to spend their time in the senior cafe with their friends or working on school work
Some students choose to spend their time in the senior cafe with their friends or working on school work
Caroline Walsh

On March 11th, 2024, North Penn High School implemented a new morning routine for its staff and students, one that added an extra 42 minutes before 1st period designed for various purposes, called Knight Zone. What first began with a two-week trial period in early March, Knight Zone was designed to last until Spring Break. However, following overwhelming support from staff, parents, and students, Knight Zone was extended for the remainder of the 2023-2024 school year, and was further extended to be used for subsequent school years indefinitely.

North Penn is far from being the first district to implement this type of program into its schedule, but it received plenty of positive feedback nonetheless. During the pilot program that ran from March 11th, 2024, to March 22nd, 2024, there was an overwhelmingly positive response from students, staff, and parents alike, all of whom wished for the program to continue.

Souderton Area High School ran a similar pilot program called Red Zone from January 17th, 2023, to April 3rd, 2023, and received similar results. This led to its permanent inclusion in Souderton High School’s schedule. Seeing the success of this program, North Penn turned its attention to its own high school, which stood to gain benefits from a similar change.

“The implementation of Knight Zone has been seamless and we are seeing great results.  The feedback that we continue to hear from staff, students, and the community is overwhelmingly positive,” Mr. Kyle Hassler, North Penn High School’s Principal said.

One of the biggest reasons behind Knight Zone’s implementation was the result of major changes to North Penn’s grading policy, which led to the arrival of Second Chance Learning (SCL) at NPHS. 

Since SCL and KZ were put into practice, North Penn has reported a noticeable increase in student grades, behavior, and attendance.

“We have seen a decrease in student behaviors from past years, as well as a decrease in students being marked late to school,” Hassler said. “Students are accessing the support from their teachers during Knight Zone and we are seeing an increase in grades.”

In addition to the obvious benefits, KZ has also allowed for a “soft landing” of sorts that has alleviated some of the stress at the beginning of the day. Students and teachers alike are able to take a more relaxed approach to their mornings in a way that wasn’t possible with the previous program, Knight Time. Students have the option to seek help from teachers regarding topics they learned in class or hang out with their friends in various locations around the school, like the library or cafeteria. Some students even opt to play games in the gym or outside.

“Overall, I think Knight Zone has had a major impact on the culture and climate of the building, it feels more relaxed and welcoming each day,” Hassler said. “It is amazing to see the number of students that take advantage of KZ on a daily basis.”

The success of these programs in both Souderton and North Penn has gained the attention of other school districts looking for a similar change to their schedules. 

“Over the past year, I have met with principals from five different districts to discuss Knight Zone and how we have implemented it over the past year. All five of those schools are now considering implementing a similar period next school year,” Hassler said. “Over the past year, we have had educators from across the state and country visit North Penn specifically to see Knight Zone, and every time they leave they have nothing but praise for our students and staff.”

Overall, the effectiveness of Knight Zone can be seen in several aspects of the school district’s student’s lives, as well as the expansion of this program into other districts. For a program that was initially designed only to give the students and staff an extra forty minutes, the changes it has brought to the high school in the process is undeniable.

“We have heard from more than a few that NPHS is the most welcoming high school they have visited…they always say that the building feels so welcoming and positive and remark on the kindness of our staff and students,” Hassler said. “I am incredibly proud of both the staff and students at North Penn High School and how they have embraced and utilized Knight Zone.”