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Knights Next Quest: Pluto Tarlo

Knights Next Quest: Pluto Tarlo

What schools did you apply to?

I applied to one school, SCAD (Savannah College of Art and Design), and got in.

Where did you commit to, and why?

I committed to SCAD, because it was my dream school, because they gave me a really cool sticker.  But then I later did more information about the school and what they offer, and what job opportunities they allow for after college, and it was really intriguing.  I want a job after college, so that was also really nice.  I like that it prepares you for a job and not just gets you a degree and gets you out.

What are your career/academic aspirations?

In a perfect world, I would love to be an animator, or maybe a freelance artist that does commissions, maybe for local bands.  I always think that’s cool.  Academic aspirations?  To pass — I don’t think I have set goals for myself, I have concepts of a plan, but no set direction that I want to go into yet.  Maybe after indulging in my first year of college, I’ll have more of an idea of what I want for myself after I get kind of situated in my life.

What are you most excited about next year?

I’m just excited to experience something new.  It is like twelve hours away, very far from my home, but I’m just excited to experience something new, to meet new people.  I’m excited to see palm trees, I didn’t know they had that there.  But I’m just excited to be in a place where artists just come together and love to do things that I also like to do, which is really exciting.

What is your favorite North Penn memory?

I don’t know, I have a lot.  I will miss my friends, I’ll miss doing things.  I don’t think I have a set favorite memory.  I think junior year was probably my favorite year.  I met a lot of new people, I made a lot of new friends, so it was really nice.  So I guess all of junior year was really good.  Of course I made beautiful friends this year as well.  I think I’ll just miss my friends most of all, I won’t miss the school too much I feel like.  And the art department, being in the art department is really fun.