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Knights Next Quest: Nick Lee

Knights Next Quest: Nick Lee

What schools did you apply to?

Chulalongkorn University, it is a school in Bangkok, Thailand, and I applied for Architectural Design.

Where did you commit to, and why?

I wanted to commit to this school specifically mostly because while it is the number one school in all of Thailand, it is also a great location.  Bangkok, in recent years it has been the most toured city, and as a Thai person I want to go back there and see what all the fuss is about.

What are your career/academic aspirations?

Sometimes I feel like restaurants and chefs, they run out of ideas and they don’t know how to make their stuff better so they just end up putting in caviar and gold leaf because they might not actually have the skills to make the dishes actually better, so they just resort to using this fancy decoration.  In my architectural designs, I want to not rely on fancy decoration, like things that are flashy just for the sake of being flashy.  I don’t think I want to do all that stuff, I kind of want to do things almost like the old way, but incorporate my style into it, because I feel like my knowledge as an artist, like my knowledge of light, I might have a vision that other architects in my generation might not have.  I would want to focus on the basics, like the usage of light, the usage of raw materials, and the thought and function.  I want to be able to incorporate my skill as an artist into that, and create something special.

What are you most excited about next year?

Well, it is the first year of university, so i’m excited for what that’s gonna be like.  I’m gonna be in the “New York” of Thailand, there’s going to be a lot of things to do, and assuming I’m not going to be bogged down with work as a freshmen, I’m going to spend my time, almost as a tourist in Bangkok.  Even though I’ve spent most of my life in Bangkok I haven’t really taken the time to appreciate it, so when I go back I’m going to try experiencing it like a traveler from around the world would.

What is your favorite North Penn memory?

Being in the art room everyday to yap with my friends, because life here in America, everyone is very open to admit to being mentally unstable and crazy, so it’s very accepting compared to places that it’s stigmatized, like Thailand.