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What schools did you apply to?
I applied to the University of Pennsylvania, Drexel University, Georgia Tech University, the University of Pittsburgh, and the University of Delaware. I applied for their honors programs and I applied to the University of Pennsylvania under an early decision contract as it was my top choice.
Where did you commit to and why?
I am committed to the University of Pennsylvania because of its proximity, and prestige and I believe that the opportunities and connections it offers will help me advance in my academics and my career.
What are your academic and career goals?
I plan to do my undergraduate in Electrical Engineering and then do my graduate studies in Bioengineering, focusing on neural engineering methods. My main mission is to use my skills, talent, and resources to help others in their medical struggles.
What are you most excited about next year?
I am looking forward to meeting new friends, exploring the city campus, trying out things I did before, and overall just enjoying my experience at UPenn.
What is your favorite North Penn Memory?
That’s hard to answer, it’s a tough choice since there are a lot, but I’d say it’s hanging out with my friends at junior prom.