Online News Day or Knight - Official news site of North Penn High School - 1340 Valley Forge Rd. Lansdale, PA

The Knight Crier

Online News Day or Knight - Official news site of North Penn High School - 1340 Valley Forge Rd. Lansdale, PA

The Knight Crier

Online News Day or Knight - Official news site of North Penn High School - 1340 Valley Forge Rd. Lansdale, PA

The Knight Crier

Knights next quest: Daniel Katz

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What schools did you apply to?

I applied to University of Pennsylvania, Tufts, UMD, Boston University, University of Pittsburgh, Princeton University. 


Where do you commit to, and why?

I committed to the University of Pennsylvania for Mathematics because they have a really robust education program and I have the option to submarticulate and start taking grad school classes before I am in grad school. 


What are your academic/career aspirations?

I have wanted to teach since 8th grade. I hope to teach Math in the classroom for a couple of years, and then eventually transition to become a principal. Part of my hopes for that is to get a different feel on education, because I am very passionate about educational equality especially in mathematics. I think one of the most important things to close the gap in math classes is to start giving students more opportunities earlier and not basing everything off of standardized tests. 


What are you most excited for next year?

I am most excited to meet a ton of people who are like minded and think things like me in a certain way. I’m excited to meet a lot of different people that come from a lot of different places. 


What is your favorite North Penn memory?

My favorite North Penn memory was this year’s multicultural event. It was really eye opening to see so many people coming together and I had the privilege of organizing it with Vincent and Yori.

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