TOWAMENCIN- 5200 hours of service. 190 active members, High schoolers. 6 months. To the average person on the streets, these are just numbers, but to those in the NPHS Audion on February 27, they represent much more.

On Tuesday, February 28th, parents, students, and community members alike gathered in the Audion to celebrate the Key Club Induction.
Key Club has taken place at North Penn for nearly 60 years, serving its community in more ways than one.
“A very long time – originally it was an All Boys club it was charted on 4-5-1966,” Key Club advisor Mrs. Linda Law said
Proceeding the induction, local Kiwanis club member and Vietnam veteran Mr. John Lancaster spoke to the crowd about the importance and impact that service has had on their life, especially that of the North Penn Key Club which hosts the Memorial Day Service at Penndale Middle School.
Those who are a part of this organization participate/hold donations and assist their community throughout the school year with the ultimate goal of achieving 100 hours of service by the end of the school year.
“Within this organization, members are inducted based on reaching 30 service hours by mid-January, and the ultimate goal is to end the school year with 100 total hours per member. 50 inside of school and 50 outside” President MJ Tareq said
This induction is a huge honor as it is not only existent at North Penn but across more than 40 nations.
“Key Club is an organization of a quarter million high school students in 40 nations worldwide,” Tareq said.
Willa Magland • Mar 7, 2024 at 8:19 am
Thanks for the overview! Congratulations to all the inductees!