TOWAMENCIN – Illuminated not by the lights, but by the shining school spirit, North Penn High School held their annual pep rally before the homecoming game on Friday night.
North Penn’s infamous blackout pep rally was full of excitement and hope for the first home win for the Knights. The pep rally began with a CMT performance and the North Penn High School Cheerleaders performing for everyone. The music group and the cheerleaders never disappoint and will always get a room energized.
Following the cheerleaders, the North Penn Marching Knights performed to get the gym hyped up. The colorguard waved their colorful flags and the musicians played loud music for everyone to hear. The NPMK was successful in getting everyone excited for the next portion of the pep rally, the fall sports senior run-out.
North Penn’s fall sports teams show off their seniors by doing choreographed stunts and skits every year. You could hear the roars of the students cheering from the furthest pod in the building. This section, especially for the graduating seniors, was full of enthusiasm.
“It was a great way to end our tennis season. Running out with a loud crowd cheering is special,” Senior Varsity Tennis player Gabby Gentile said.
After the swim team lifted someone into the air to swim and the cheer team landed their stunts, the pep rally moved onto the half-court shots. You could say the prizes for making the half-court shot in the past were amazing, but compared to this year, they were only subpar. The prizes went from TVs and prom tickets in recent years, to a free round trip to Disney World. Disney World is North Penn’s senior class trip that is costly, but for a randomly selected five students, the trip could have been free.
One lucky senior, Rakibul Hoque, is going on the senior class trip for free. The entire gym stood still as Hoque launched the ball. It seemed as if the moment was in slow motion. As soon as the ball went through the hoop, the gym exploded with excitement. Students were jumping and screaming for Hoque. It was an amazing, spirited moment for the North Penn High School seniors.
“People were lifting me up after the shot. It was crazy. I would say if you think something is too far away, it isn’t,” Hoque detailed.
After the golden half-court shot, the pep rally continued to be a high-energy event until the final bell rang at 2:12. The Knights went on to win their homecoming game that night. The pep rally helped push them to the 14-7 win over Central Bucks East.
If you missed the pep rally, check it out on North Penn Television’s YouTube channel.