The 19th Annual BC/EFA Gala
North Penn’s Thespian Troupe #5464 hosted the 19th annual BC/EFA gala and fundraiser.
February 19, 2018
TOWAMENCIN- This past Thursday night, North Penn Thespian Troupe #5464 held its 19th annual Broadway Cares/Equity Fights Aids event. The Knight of the Arts Gala and Fundraiser raised money and awareness for those suffering from HIV/AIDS.
Victims of HIV/AIDS face endless challenges on a daily basis. Those affected need constant support, medication, and research performed on their behalf in order to live a pleasant and fulfilling life. As Congress continues to discuss the future of healthcare in the United States, it directly impacts the victims of this life altering disease.
BC/EFA works tirelessly to raise money and to ensure that the money raised is spent carefully on programs where these hard-earned funds can have the most impact.
“BC/EFA is such an amazing experience and a great opportunity for people to come together and raise money for AIDS awareness and fight for the cure,” commented junior Sammi Stec, thespian troupe Outreach co-coordinator.
In the 2016-2017 school year, Troupe #5464 was able to donate $4,000 to the BC/EFA organization.
North Penn’s Troupe #5464 also has donated a whopping $79,071 to BC/EFA since 1999. North Penn is also the first high school in the United States to raise money for BC/EFA for 18 years and counting.
The night was filled with a variety of performances including dance routines, lip syncs, monologues, solo and group vocal performances, and special previews of the middle school’s musicals. North Penn’s spring musical Fiddler on the Roof also made a debut with their performance of “Tradition” as the final act of the event.
“The Knight of the Arts Broadway Cares Equity Fights Aids Gala and Silent Auction is a really special night. It’s put together by the students, they audition the acts, put together the material, organize the silent auction, run things backstage and onstage, and it lets them show their talents and what they can do. For me as a teacher, it is wonderful to see them just take it and go. There can’t be any better way as a teacher to see your students do what you’ve tried to teach them and make it their own,” remarked Mrs. Andrea Roney, Thespian troupe adviser and director of Fiddler on the Roof.
$1,394.55 was raised this past Thursday. Feelings of satisfaction and pride resided over the members of Troupe #5464 as the event came to a close.
“I feel so accomplished now that it’s over. We’ve been working at this for months and I’m just so proud of everyone. We’ve been watching these shows happen since 7th grade and now here we are making them happen, it’s amazing” reflected junior Emma Stearsman, BC/EFA co-coordinator.
The future of BC/EFA at North Penn next year is private, but something to look forward to “I can’t reveal much, but big, big things are coming for next year,” added Emma Stearsman.