Throughout the month of October the NPHS AFJROTC helped out with several community events and few ceremonial events. Cadets enjoyed helping out at Lansdale’s Oktoberest and also at Montgomery Autumfest. Cadets also worked with Oak Park Elementary in their fundraising event “Let’s Move It!”. Cadets maintained several stations or in some cases helped serve food such as delicius hot dogs and desserts. 

The other type of events where cadets performed ceremonies were for veterans or for elementary students for Veterens Day. Cadets presented colors at Brittany Point Estates in Lansdale, and also performed a POW/MIA/KIA ceremony, presented the Old Glory at Oak Park Elementary to honor our veterans for all their service.
On November 3, eight cadets from North Penn AFJROTC helped out with Boys Scouts University at Valley Forge Academy. Cadets helped with direction in brutal cold and then helped set-up the mid-way. Once the mid-way was set-up, cadets helped with collecting lunch tickets at the cafeteria and then cleaned up midway. This year’s cadets are very excited for the Boys Scouts University next year and are looking forward to helping again.