Spring is a time that represents new life and rebirth. And what better way to take part in celebrating spring than donating blood? Our school is holding an event that will help you accomplish that goal.
The SGA will be holding the annual spring blood drive on Friday, May 4th. Students who want to get involved can sign up this week in the senior cafeteria. Those students must be at least 16 years old on the day of the blood drive, and need to bring parental consent forms on the day of the event unless you are 18 years old.
This event helps more than many understand. “It is important that students get involved because each time someone donates, that student will save three lives. By taking about an hour of their school day and one pint of their blood, students can make a charitable donation which is life saving,” says SGA President Dylan Eiger.
“I really encourage all of the students who are eligible to donate to sign up! We are fortunate to have the Red Cross come and spend a whole day at our school dedicated to collecting blood. The Student Government Association and The American Red Cross would really appreciate it if hundreds of students would donate. Our last blood drive we had about 200 people donate – let’s try and beat the number!” says Eiger.
Stop by during your lunch this week and sign up for this charitable event!