On September 6, North Penn High School principal, Burton T. Hynes, announced a new cell phone policy that allows students to use their cell phones during the school day. The new policy permits students to use cell phones in designated “cell phone use zones.”
In Mr. Hynes’ inaugural video of the 2011-2012 school year, he outlined the new policy to students.
“We’ve established cell phone use zones, which include the hallways during passing times, the cafeteria during all lunches, the cafeteria courtyard, study halls, and classrooms during ninth period, provided the use of those electronic devices is not distracting to the teacher or those who want to study,” he explained.
These cell phones use zones account for the only areas that students may use their cell phones and other electronic devices.
The consequences for the use of cell phones outside of the designated zones have been significantly escalated. “The assistant principals will assign those consequences for infractions starting at five detentions and quickly escalating to multiple day suspensions including confiscation of your electronic device” Hynes announced.
These harsher punishments for cell phones aim to limit the number of students using cell phones in class.
In previous years, North Penn High School refused to allow any electronic devices at any point of the school day. The new policy should prove to be popular among the student body when they walk through the halls of North Penn with no fear of losing their cell phone or IPod.
North Penn senior Dan Gross quickly embraced the change: “The new policy is great. I love being able to talk to my parents and friends while in school without the fear of losing my phone.”
The cell phone policy in previous school years caused many of the confrontations between students and administrators. Students would often try to fight off teachers and principals who attempted to confiscate phones and other devices. Now the hallways act as a safe haven for cell phone users, so students do not feel isolated from their phone for the entire day.
According to Assistant Principal Mr. Neil Broxterman “There has been less confrontation because of the cell phone policy.”
In the first few weeks of school, Confrontation has decreased between students and teachers due to the more definitive rules about cell phones.
The new policy aims to limit conflicts in the hallway and to clearly lay out the consequences of cell phone use during class. It should be a very popular change for students, teachers, and administrators alike, as it will give students the ability to receive what they have wanted for years, while still maintaining a focused learning environment.