Beeeep. The sound that I and all of my teammates heard from the beginning of October until now. 4:15am. The alarm goes off for morning lifts. Every Tuesday and every Thursday. During the dark drive to the highschool on these mornings, the only thing you can think about is the light of the spring, but you have to remember that the work you put in, in that moment, leads directly to the outcome of the spring.
Although the number one goal in our season is to win, baseball has a deeper meaning than that. It’s about all the little moments that add up to that final big win. It’s about going to Chick-Fil-A after every single Wednesday night practice with the entire team, becoming friends with the workers. It’s about almost dying on the gym floors after conditioning. It’s about appreciating the first 50 degree outside practice after a dreadfully cold winter. It’s about wrapping Christmas presents for families in need. It’s about going to a funeral for the retired athletic director because he had a massive impact on the school. Without these blips on the timeline, there is nothing. No hunger to win, no grit, no team chemistry, nothing, nothing to help you win the tough games. Nothing to help you push through the cold. Nothing to help you pick up your teammate when they’re struggling. All of the insignificant “little” moments are really the most important when you zoom out, because without them, you have nothing.
Just like baseball, life is defined as more than just wins and losses. It’s about the journey. Although everyone looks forward to the big, exciting events in life, they don’t come often. So if you sit around waiting for the big things, you are going to lose out on all the little things.
In the end, baseball is more than winning, just like life is more than a series of big milestones. The early mornings, shared meals, the struggling, and the triumphs all weave together to create something better than a number on a scoreboard. It’s these moments that create bonds, build resilience, and give you unforgettable memories. As we chase the state championship this season, we have to remember all the little things that make us who we are.