Kim kicks off a busy senior year

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Nate Kim poses under the Crawford Stadium scoreboard for his last season on the team.

It’s 2:12 P.M and the final bell rings for the day at North Penn High School, but you don’t go home. Instead, you meet with your fellow classmates or head outside to the fields for practice. You’re not just a student at the high school. You’re a captain of the boy’s soccer team. You’re the president of the senior class.

Nate Kim has made a name for himself throughout the class of 2023 and the entire North Penn community.

Entering his senior year, Kim had expressed an interest in becoming more involved within the school, helping to make his fellow classmates’ senior year the best it could be. Kim ran for senior class president in the spring and now serves that role this year.

“I wanted to have a more active and influential role in the school,” Nate expressed.

Outside of the building, Kim stars on the boy’s soccer team. Entering his fourth year on the team, Kim is set to begin his third season on the varsity level.

“As a freshman, I was fortunate enough to travel with the team to states,” Kim said. “Watching the older guys play was really inspirational for me.”

Kim used the experience of traveling to states as a learning experience and took away key attributes from his former teammates.

“I’ve always had that drive in myself. As much as I need to stay on track with my own performance, I need to lift up other people who are struggling on the team,” Kim explained.

Kim was selected by his teammates to be a captain this season and looks forward to leading his team this upcoming season.

“Nate Kim is one of the hardest working players on the team,” Jesse Scheetz, assistant coach of the boy’s soccer team said. “His drive and determination made [him] an easy decision for team captain.”

With the goal of a championship in mind, Nate is working to push his teammates and himself to make their season the best as possible, hoping for the opportunity to win a championship.

“Not only is Nate a role model on the field but off the field as well. Nate is what all students should strive to be,” Sheetz concluded.