Bowlers spare Qtown a warm welcome
NP boys and girls top Quakertown in bowling action
EARLINGTON- Quakertown, new to the Suburban One in bowling, battled host North Penn at Earlbowl yesterday, as the Lady Knights swept the newcomers 4-0, and the boys took the day 3-1.
NP was led by Jocelyn Wynkoop with score of 169- 212- 192 for a night high series of 573. Following Wynkoop, both Victoria Roetman and Belle Hughes had nice series of 440 with Roetman having a high game of 185 and Hughes 167. High for Quakertown was Adriana Gansz with 131 -107- and a 167 for a 405 series
The boys match was won by NP 3 games to 1. NP won the first two games by a 130 pin margin and the second game by 124 pins. But in the third game the Panthers rallied and finished with a game winning 929 game. Contributing to their win was Matthew Weil 226, Jason Susneski 202, Connor William 184, Andrew Motela 178, and J.J. Paul 177.
NP was Led by James Carnal with a steady night with games of 212-222-200 for a high series 646. High game of the night was rolled by Drew Massack with a middle game of 257 (596 series). Nice scores to add to NP’s victory were also from Colin Nast 212-222 171=613 series and Martin Grace 204-197 -171 =572 series.
Quakertown Girls won 0 lost 4
Brenna Schubert 81-86-81=248
Liah Kim 89-98-58=245
Gisselle Hernandez 101-99-68=268
Michelle McGill 106-123-99=328
Adriana Gansz 131-107-167=405
NP Girls won 4 lost 0
Victoria Roetman 124-131-185=440
Michele Kersey 107- x -105=212
Belle Hughes 167-158-115=440
Allison Cox 128-114- x =242
Jocelyn Wynkoop 169-212-192=573
Alison Maxwell x – 136- x =136
Serena Bergeron x – x- 88= 88
Quakertown Boys won 1 lost 3
J.J. Paul 168-177-160=505
Andrew Motela 161-165-178=504
Jason Susneski 152-202-181=535
Connor William 153-186-184=523
Matthew Weil 158-222-223=606
NP Boys won 3 lost 1
Nate Taggert 126- x- x =126
Drew Massack 168-257-171=596
Martin Grace 204-197-171=572
James Carnal 212-234-200=646
Colin Nast 212-222-171=613
Leland Ly x – 166- 147=313