The bowling team opened the first league match of the season with the North Penn boys winning 4 games to none and the girls going 1-3
High scores for the boys were:
Jon Godwin 173
Michael Hanna 177
Ryan Marrone 178
Brandon Peel 191
Steven Gerhart 194
Stephen Collins 200
Robert Greisemer 201
Ronak Amim 212
Tyler Roetman 257 – 547 series
Upper Dublin
Jason Wasserman 181
Ryan Carr 181 – 466 series
High score for the girls:
North Penn
Amanda Most 159
Kaitlyn Gill 137
Becki Murray 139
Allie Strayer 210 – 522 series
Upper Dublin
Olivia Yu 143
Denise Weinburger 178- 423 series
The next match is Wednesday, December 14 at Abington’s Thunderbird Lanes Willow Grove