Encompassed in a political jungle and surrounded by historical landmarks, American University offers a look in to America’s past, present, and future. The University’s proximity to notable Federal buildings such as the White House and the Pentagon provide for a strong political focus on campus, and its accessibility to monuments and museums offer countless activities to fill your days with enjoyable browsing and your mind with valuable information.
Another advantage of being located in Washington D.C. is that American has connections throughout the city, affording bountiful opportunities to students looking for internships and job openings.
But immersing yourself in the culture and opportunity of American University comes at a price, and a high price at that- tuition is $18,777 per semester, not including room and board. But American’s 6,400 full time undergraduates deem the University worth the high cost, with a ninety percent freshman retention rate. These students most likely inhabit American for all four years of their education because of the accessible and approachable professors.
While visiting American, I asked a professor a question about SAT subject tests, and not knowing the answer, she gave me her business card and told me to e-mail the question to her so she could look into the issue further. So, I logged into g-mail and wrote to this professor, expecting my letter to get lost in a bureaucratic mess with 10,000 other students’ inquiries.
One hour later, there was a response from that professor with a clear and thorough answer that fully answered my questions. This led to a correspondence in which she answered further questions of mine, and even copied someone else from AU on the e-mail to make sure I was getting all of the correct information.
This kind of one-on-one attention to not a committed student, but only a prospective one, speaks for itself. The professors at American University truly love helping students find their way, whether their paths lead them to D.C. or elsewhere. That kind of commitment is worth the cost of a thousand semesters at American.
Mr. Henry • Oct 11, 2012 at 11:39 am
What a great university! Well said.