“I wanted to discover America. It’s like a dream. All French people want to come here” stated Marine Moutia, this year’s French foreign exchange student.
Marine has only been in America for a little while, but she is already making the most of her experience here. She’s visited Philadelphia, Ocean City and Dorney Park so far. When asked if America is what she expected she replied, “yes, everything is so big.”
She is also making the most of her time at North Penn, already involved in multiple activities and sports like Cross Country, Key Club and ROTC. She is having a lot of fun exploring all the different options North Penn has to offer.
In France, there aren’t many school activities and if you want to be involved in something you usually have to do it outside of school. Marine says she likes the way it is in America, “I prefer having it all in school”, she continued.
ROTC is her favorite class because she aspires to be a pilot one day. She says the opportunity to study here is great because its helping her learn English which is an important skill to have to be a pilot. Aside from French and English, Marine also speaks Spanish.
So far, Marine is enjoying her time at North Penn. She thinks the biggest challenge is the language barrier, but she says she is learning so much and her host family has been very helpful.