OPINION: I’ve been dreaming of a White Christmas
Bing Crosby first performed his song “White Christmas” in 1941, but the Philadelphia has had very few white Christmases since the song release.
TOWAMENCIN – Think back to December 2nd 2019. It was a Monday, the first day back from Thanksgiving Break. But this wasn’t any ordinary Monday I assure you.
This day had every student in a frenzy due to the fact that some schools had a little extension to their Thanksgiving break while it felt like North Penn was left high and dry. We woke up on December 2nd to a dark, morning sky. Snow was falling down and the roads were pretty icy over the snow from the past evening. With the anticipation of a “snowstorm”, some schools in the southern Pennsylvania area had already announced that they were going to be closed the night before.
While it was almost “expected” that North Penn was at least going to have a two-hour delay, it ended just simply being a typical bell schedule. Students and parents alike were a little shocked by the move. Initially, I was a little bummed myself that I woke up seeing white and still had to go in. But looking back on it, I am sort of glad we never had off that day. Not only are we still on track to get out for the summer as early as we can (that will definitely change) but the weather was not chaotic enough where school absolutely needed to be closed. The snow we received on that day was the perfect amount where we could sit in our house, enjoy hot cocoa by the simmering fire and just gaze from the inside looking out. The weather was not as bad to where we had to shovel and we could still drive to get our last-minute holiday gifts. It was the ideal wintry weather. The type of weather I want on Christmas Day. A White Christmas needs to happen.
Before February 4th, 2018, many of you within the southern Pennsylvania area longed to see the Philadelphia Eagles capture a Super Bowl title once in your lifetime. Mission accomplished, the city of Philadelphia got one. Remember that feeling for all of you, that’s how I feel when it comes to having a White Christmas. Often times when people hear the term “White Christmas” they automatically think of a snowstorm on Christmas Day. That is not the case, and that’s not what I even depict as a White Christmas either. It doesn’t even have to be snowing on Christmas Day in order for a White Christmas to come to be. Obviously, I wouldn’t want people’s travel plans to be tarnished due to inclement weather but that’s not exactly what a White Christmas is. Many of you are probably asking yourselves why I want this so bad. Take from this perspective, when you think of snow, one of the first things you think of is the holidays. Yes, snow can be falling anytime from November all the way to March, but naturally, one of the first things you think of is the holidays. That’s not a bad thing, it actually further proves my point. Christmas and snow have a natural correlation created by us. Songs like “Frosty the Snowman” and “Let it Snow” are two extremely well-known Christmas songs, but I don’t really understand how you can classify these classic songs as Christmas songs, if it is a rarity to snow on Christmas. See where I am going with this?
December 2nd, 2019 was a little bit of a letdown for most students of North Penn, including myself. At the same time I envisioned the type of weather on Christmas that is parallel to the weather on December 2nd. Whether it’s in 2019, sometime in the next decade, or three decades later, let’s all hope a winter wonderland in Southern Pennsylvania will land on a Christmas Day in the future.