The following is a quote from George Washington’s Farewell Address (September 17th, 1796):
“However [political parties] may now and then answer popular ends, they are likely in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government, destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion.”
It seems rather ominous now; 218 years ago our first president was able to predict the source of almost all of our current issues. Today, people not simply defined as an Americans, but by their political party. You are either a Republican or a Democrat. And while a typical citizen might fall in the middle of the spectrum, most politicians do not, or if they do they tend to tilt one way in order to secure the loyalty of their party. And that is one of the fatal flaws in the political party concept—the idea that one has loyalty to a label over the greater majority of the country.
The danger of political parties has been evident in the last year. In the time between the government shut down and today, Congress has practically been inactive. The few meaningful legislations that have gotten passed within the last few months, most notably The Affordable Care Act, have been rife with problems. And while the Republicans are quick to point out the flaws, they’ve been slow to offer a viable solution. In fact we’re still waiting. It’s not just the Republicans though. Democrats are responsible as well. All along they have prided themselves on “Obama Care” while refusing to identify and fix the bugs. Even today they are in denial about the depth of the problems.
Look at the issue from a non-politician standpoint and the answer seems fairly simple. Repeal it, work together and fix it. Compromise and team work are kindergarten concepts. And yes, there might be people you will never agree with and people you will never like—that is also a kindergarten concept, but if you have a common goal the solution can’t be too far off.
Whether it’s health care, the national budget, forging policy or anything else, the common goal should always be the improvement of American lives. If politicians cared more about the people they represent than the party they represent more would get done and we would all be better off.
Not only is the inability to accomplish anything bad for our country it is also a terrible example to set for the younger generations. Growing up in a time where there are conflicts at every turn makes you think the government is ineffective, flawed, and no use. So why even vote? That’s what the past year has forced you to consider. Why even vote, it seems all our choices are corrupt cronies.
But everyone who is eligible should vote. And not just in presidential elections, but any and every election because as an American citizen that is your duty. And it’s not enough just to vote for someone because he or she bears the label that you or your family associate with, you should vote for the person who is right for the country and has everyone’s best interest in mind—not just his or her own.
Going forward we should keep in mind a quote from another great American leader:
“The morality of a [political] party must grow out of the conscience and the participation of the voters.” – Eleanor Roosevelt (Autobiography)
Quotes are from: