Political Correctness- by definition the term means conforming to a belief that language and practices which could offend political sensibilities (usually related to race or gender) should be eliminated.
In theory political correctness may be a good thing, a tool in helping rid the world of racism and stereotypes. But when that the theory is put to practice it doesn’t seem to work so well.
There is one fundamental flaw in the concept; the whole idea is that all views are equal and valuable- if this is the case why do political correctness advocators force us to accept their definition of “correct”?
Who is to say that the term “Handicap” is more or less offensive than the term “physically disabled”? Or that when describing skin color the common terms of white and black aren’t acceptable instead we should use Caucasian and African American.
Every day, children are told that they are special and unique. Our society emphasizes individuality. We are told to embrace who we are and celebrate our differences. The truth, it seems, is our society only wants us to embrace a certain kind of different; a different that is strangely becoming much more generic.
We are heading down a significant road in our history. The destination, potentially, could be a society where everyone shares an identical culture and free speech is extremely restricted.
Even today speech is constrained. We must watch everything we say because if it’s “offensive” to someone else you may just end up in court or looking for a new job.
I don’t know when Americans became so concerned with what others think but it seems we are now on some ridiculous and almost radical rampage to accommodate all groups- if that is even possible.
For example, in Sterling Colorado officials ruled that a woman’s cemetery marker could not include the word “Jesus” because it might offend someone. The apocalypse must be coming if we now cannot use the word Jesus in a cemetery in fear that it could hurt someone’s feelings.
Every day we are influenced by the main stream media. They tell us what we should think and what new words we should use in order to be sensitive to other’s viewpoints. And we go along with it because we don’t know any better. We may question it sometimes but usually in the end we believe what we are told.
America was founded on principles of freedom. Political correctness is a threat to those freedoms. It forces us to restrict our speech and hide our religious beliefs.
It is also a threat to our culture. Differences were once celebrated here. If everyone shares the same opinions and beliefs we will lose our culture, we will lose what makes us distinct and special and we lose what makes us truly American. Nothing good can come from a society that’s all uniform. Just look at China.