2012 is already turning into a pivotal and busy year for American politics. The upcoming November election is looming on the horizon with the Republican candidates fighting for the nomination. Things are not quiet on the Democratic front. President Obama is in the midst of campaigning for re-election and his healthcare reform bill, which was passed two years ago, is facing its most important test: The Supreme Court.
Starting on Monday, March 26th until the 28th, the court is deciding whether Obama’s plan is constitutional. The main points that have been discussed revolve around the mandate that every American must have healthcare. Although this plan sounds ideal, many are unsure that it is right to force Americans to purchase insurance or face paying a fine.
Healthcare reform is nothing new yet it continues to cause controversy each time it is challenged. Millions of Americans are uninsured and need to be covered. If for no other reason than economics, uninsured Americans make healthcare even more expensive. If everyone is insured the overall well-bring will improve and the costs can be managed better.
Despite the benefits, reaping the rewards is not so easy. Republicans especially are outraged that the government could have such an impact on people’s lives and do not agree that the government should be allowed to expand its power in that sense. Also lawmakers debated if this law could be misunderstood for a tax. If the court decides that a tax will be imposed then the court must make a difficult decision.
Each day about an hour and a half has been set aside for the talks. On the final day, the Healthcare reform bill seems to have a bleak future. The Court will likely not pass the bill as it is, but hopefully it will keep some of its measures instead of completely erasing it. The mandate is essential to provide for the positive reforms. Progress is evident in reforms which have already lowered the cost of vital medications for the elderly, and increasing the coverage for young adults from 18 to 26 years old under a parent’s health insurance plan.
Republicans would be pleased to have “Obamacare” abolished for good, yet what is next? There are too many Americans without health care and this problem will not disappear. The candidates have not disclosed any real reform plans for the future.
Of the nine Supreme Court justices, Anthony Kennedy has the unique position of being the independent who could swig the vote towards the left or right. This impressive 2,700 page bill could be completely obliterated if the mandate to purchase healthcare is deemed unconstitutional. Yet the more liberal justices do hope some of the provisions of the law will stay and are keeping an optimistic outlook. Judgment day will occur sometime in June, when the court makes its final decision. Five of the justices need to agree in order to reach a majority.
As the very heated and long talks evince, the health care reform has not been easily embraced. Obama and his administrations’ hard work in this plan would be wasted if the mandate is ruled out as unconstitutional. Of course it would be favorable if some of the provisions stay yet it would be hard to only uphold parts if the bill is clouded by the unconstitutional marking.
No matter what the verdict is in June, there will still be people who are staunchly against Obama and his healthcare reform. People need to see that healthcare is a need, and start to blur the blue and red lines and evaluate this plan as objectively as possible. For those who have comfortable health care plans, they should consider themselves lucky. Many need this care and if we all chip in and purchase healthcare costs will be lowered because all Americans will pay premiums.
Some may joke as people remarked throughout the tense discussions that forcing Americans to buy something is silly, yet healthcare is not something that Americans should live without. Justice Antonin Scalia likened making Americans purchase healthcare to making Americans buy broccoli in a grocery store. This hypothetical situation was meant to make a point, but the law is not telling everyone to buy something random and unnecessary; it is looking out for the safety of Americans. The proposition is not a perfect plan and has its flaws but at the core this law has exciting possibilities for this nation if Americans could step away from fighting and hostility.