Images of police using tear gas against protesters are something straight out of the sixties during the Civil Rights Movement. Now the pictures from history books are coming alive again, this time for the Occupy Wall Street protests which have been in full swing for almost two months in New York.
Last week in Oakland, California, a round of tear gas was used on protesters who allegedly threw bottles, rocks, and paints at police officers. 102 civilians were taken to jail overnight for unlawful assembly. The police reacted with force and the most ironic part is that a 24 year old Iraq War veteran, Scott Olsen, was hit by a police projectile. He suffered from a skull fracture.
Protesters in New York walked in support of Olsen but with a price. About 12 people were arrested and the police unraveled a big orange net to force people away. Perhaps protesters do want to take action against police because incriminating flyers encouraging fighting was circulated in Phoenix.
Adding to the never ending list of states that have made arrests already is Nashville and Atlanta. In San Diego, a camp site was torn down during the early morning of October 29th. 51 people were arrested and they were ordered not to camp there anymore.
Violence is spreading across the pond as there are threats to use force against protesters who are occupying St. Paul’s Cathedral in London. Protests are occurring in hundreds of cities around the globe.
Both the protesters and police are equally culpable for stirring up trouble, yet this movement should not be hindered by violence. Hopefully the movement can continue without all of the drama which is ultimately casting a negative shadow on an otherwise peaceful idea. These recent acts of violence will either make people stop caring about the true meaning of occupy, or draw the wrong type of attention.
Due to all of the violence, the duration of the movement already, and the impending cold temperatures it is uncertain as to when the protesters will have enough. Of course, there are worries pertaining to the unsanitary conditions of these Occupy Wall Street movements and camping for extended periods of time can be a hazard to the areas and the health of the members.
“Occupy” needs to be given a chance to prosper before it gets out of control. These protesters need to be determined and not let such trivial obstacles get in their way until their message is heard. Yet anarchy will not establish anything and this movement has been given time for everyone to meet and greet but it is time to get to work and have some basic structure. Instead of camping out, there should be more organized marches and other events to help garner more support.