Being in a study hall during a lunch period and having no work can be a painful experience. Two options exist: sleep, or imagine friends enjoying their lunch period. To solve this problem, North Penn has implemented a new system combining study halls with lunch periods. The new system of lunch studies allows students to catch up with friends and since North Penn is such a huge school, the chances of having classes with friends are slim.
“You also get to see people you normally don’t see,” explained Sophomore Alec Stec.
Lunch studies are not only a chance to spend times with friends, but they can be considered an interactive learning experience. Some people learn better in a group setting. Thus quiet study halls serve little use. Lunch studies give students the opportunity to interact with each other. Perhaps a student cannot figure out a particularly difficult homework problem, but now lunch study provides students with a wide range of peers to ask for help.
For the students who prefer a silent setting, the lunch study system does offer an alternative. E-6 is open to all students with a lunch study. Assistant Principal Neil Broxterman stated the room has the “normal services” of a study hall. Students are meant to remain quiet and respectful to those who are trying to study. They are also free to travel to the IMC if necessary. When their work has been completed, students who work in E-6 are free to return to the cafeteria. Right now few students use the room, about three or four a period, but Broxterman says “more students will come in as more work is given.”
Even from an administrative standpoint the lunch study program has advantages. With budget cuts there are now less staff members in the building. Instead of having a lot of small study halls, requiring many teachers to monitor them, lunch study allows North Penn to put more kids (around 60) into a lunch study yet maintain a minimal amount of teachers to watch over. Teachers now have more periods to teach instead of having to watch over a room full of quiet kids.
With lunch study aiding both the student body and the faculty it should be a program that sticks around longer than just this school year.