LANSDALE- October’s action meeting was held at the North Penn School District Educational Center on Thursday, October 19th. The action meeting reviewed topics discussed during the October finance meeting such as charter school reform legislation and the recommendation not to exceed the Act 1 Index.
Principal Dana Kenney introduced students and staff from North Wales Elementary who joined the board to share their progress with their newly implemented garden. The garden provides a safe space for students, fresh fruits and vegetables, and aids in students’ education. North Penn junior and Eagle Scout, Nate Hoenig spoke and shared his experiences helping North Wales Elementary School with his Eagle Scout project.
“If I can encourage our kids to make healthier choices with their foods, then I feel like we have an overall more vibrant community,” North Wales Elementary School volunteer, Laura Kemper, explained. “Nate Hoenig, and his dad Gary, thought it would be a great project as an Eagle Scout for him to earn his badge.”
Vice President, Mr. Christian Fusco reviewed topics that were discussed during the October finance meeting and gave an overview of the items that would repeat on that night’s agenda.
Mr. Jonathan Kassa provided a Safe School Report which updated the community on the progression of the Halo detection units. The Halo detection units are security devices that will help detect vaping or other incidents where videotaping is neither effective nor legal. The district estimates that these devices will be delivered within the next two weeks.
Dr. Elisha Gee reviewed informational items discussed during October the ECI committee meeting. North Penn High School has been utilizing the newly implemented Authentic Assessment and Second Chance Learning policies; both programs will be expanded this year.
Ms. Juliane Ramic shared updates from the Montgomery County Intermediate Unit. The MCIU Office of Organizational and Professional Learning was awarded a $3.5 million five-year grant to support the Pennsylvania Gifted Equity Initiative.
At the last North Penn Educational Foundation meeting, Dr. Todd Bauer gave trustees a presentation about the upcoming renovation of North Penn High School. Gwynedd Square Elementary School has also been approved to purchase activity tables for students who are physically unable to play on the playground during recess. Last week, the district held its annual golf outing where volunteers, sponsors, and 115 golfers gathered to raise money for initiative projects throughout the district.
Dr. Bauer recommended administering a Student Sense of Belonging Survey in grades 7-12, totaling at $2,200. The survey is anonymous and is used to compare student mental health in neighboring districts. The Pennsylvania Youth Survey, PAYS, is administered to students in 6th, 8th, 10th, and 12th grades every two years in November. The PAYS is used to determine students’ knowledge, behavior, and attitude towards subjects such as alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs or violence. The survey is anonymous and parents do have the option to opt their child out of taking it.
Chief Financial Officer, Mr. Stephen Skrocki, gave his monthly finance report. The end of the base period for property owners is October 31, 2023, after this, a 7.5% penalty will apply. The local audit is almost complete and as of right now, there have not been any findings or weaknesses. A note from a tax rebate receipt was shared thanking the board for the money she saved during her tax rebate.
Director of Human Resources, Dr. Mia Kim, provided an update on staffing for the 2023-2024 school year. So far, the district has hired 54 support staff, 61 teachers, and 3 administrators who are currently working within the district. Additional staff has also been hired but have not joined the district yet.
All committee reports, Solicitors report, Superintendent report, and finance report were approved. The board will meet again on Wednesday, November 8th, at the North Penn Educational Services Center.
All upcoming meeting information is posted in BoardDocs.