C.H.I.P-ing away at students’ futures
North Penn implementing new internship program to earn high school credits.
C.H.I.P. coordinator Mr. Christopher Frey teaching a student about the new program.
‘What do you want to do when you’re older?’ is the question all high schoolers have probably been asked since middle school. For most people, that question can be overwhelming and stressful but all they need is an opportunity to push them in the right direction which might lead them to their future careers.
This year, North Penn High School is offering an internship program called The Community Hosted Internship program (C.H.I.P.). This program is meant to give juniors and seniors experience in a work setting, hopefully giving them an idea of what they might want to pursue after high school/college. Mr. Christopher Frey, a Health/Phys Ed teacher currently on a special assignment, is the coordinator for this program.
Although this program may help students find their dream job, it also may not, but there are many important lessons and skills that can be developed from this experience. One thing this program helps students develop is soft skills. Soft skills are things like problem-solving, working with people you like, working with people you don’t like, and dressing and talking professionally.
“Not everyone has a direct path to exactly what they’re going to do. As a matter of fact, most people change their careers three to four times in their life,” Frey emphasized.
This program is for everyone at North Penn and the best part about it is that it happens on a student’s own time. They can do it in the summer going into their junior year or after their junior year, on half days, winter break, and spring break.
“It’s all about your schedule and your convenience,” Frey said.
There are many benefits for students who participate in this program. If they don’t know what they want to do, they can discover other jobs they might like by going out there and trying something. If a student finds out what they don’t want to do, they just saved time, money, and maybe even a semester of college.
“We just want you to go out and get a good experience. Every internship is different. Some might be really hands-on, some might be more observation, some might be in an office and maybe others are more out in a field experience. The only thing required of you is that you sign up for it,” Frey explained.
For this program, there are two different internship options. The first option requires seventy hours of non-paid work, and you receive 0.5 high school credits. The second option requires forty hours of non-paid work, and you receive 0.3 high school credits. After the student’s hours are completed, they must write a small paragraph to reflect on their experience, a resume, and three professional references. Once all that is completed and turned in, they will have a pretend interview with Frey to practice career readiness.
“These are all things that are important to take forward with you, a resume that will continue to grow and your experiences grow,” Frey exclaimed. “You’re getting experience and you’re going to come out of it with some things you are going to need moving forward in college and in your work career.”
Students interested in participating in the internship program can email Frey directly with any questions at [email protected].
Businesses interested in hosting a student intern should also email Frey at [email protected].