Community poses questions for Town Hall Debate

Franky Walsh

The Town Hall debate was a chance for candidates to display their views on certain topics, but not everything was addressed. Those questions will be in the article below.

On Monday, October 18th, North Penn School District’s school board candidates were challenged with relevant questions in order to display their views and stances to the surrounding community. Election day is one week away, and the town hall debate was a showcase of what each team of candidates plans to provide if they are elected to the board. Civility and composure were displayed throughout the 90-minute debate, with all candidates sharing sentiments on helping students and families throughout the district. 

As a moderator, I felt energy during the night that was full of respect and reintroduced the power of choice to citizens in the North Penn Community. 

In the weeks leading up to the Town Hall, The Knight Crier collected questions from the community to be posed to the candidates during the debate. Though many difficult questions were asked, and many thoughtful answers were given throughout the night, there was clearly not enough time to include all submitted questions. Additionally, some of the questions did not fall under the four categories around which the debate was structured. 

Below are those questions we were not able to include. 
