NPSD to honor service men and women at Veterans Day ‘Graduation’ ceremony
Image courtesy of Erin Crew:
File Photo: The American flag proudly displayed outside of NPHS.
LANSDALE – The North Penn School District (NPSD) Board of School Directors is looking for a few good men and women. For the first time since 2005, the board will confer high school diplomas to United States veterans who left high school before graduating to serve in the United States armed services.
The ceremony will be held on Veterans Day, Thursday, November 11, at 6:00 pm in the North Penn High School (NPHS) Audion, 1340 Valley Forge Road, Lansdale, PA. It is open to veterans currently living in the North Penn School District or who lived in NPSD before leaving high school for the armed services. A graduation party for honorees and their guests will be held following the ceremony.
“I personally know many veterans who deserve recognition and their long-deserved diplomas,” said Al Roesch, NPSD School Board Director, who helped to organize the celebration. “It is our goal to honor and thank those men and women who embody patriotism, heroism and commitment to peace.”
Veterans, or family members of veterans, interested in participating should contact the NPSD Office of School and Community Engagement at 215-853-1020 by Monday, November 1, to arrange for a diploma and participation in the ceremony. For verification purposes, copies of discharge papers will be requested for all of those participating.
“The district is very excited to extend this honor to our veterans who gave up their high school education to ensure it continued for others,” said Curtis R. Dietrich, Ed.D., NPSD Superintendent. “Although the diplomas are late in coming, they are conferred with much gratitude and respect.”
For more information, please contact Christine Liberaski at [email protected] or 215-853-1020.