Meet your SGA candidates
Meet your SGA candidates for the 2019-2020 school year.
Carson Francis

Why are you running for President?
I am running for President because I want to positively impact North Penn. I hope to hold more SGA events in order to increase student turnout.
What makes you the best candidate?
I am a dedicated and experienced member of the SGA. I have been involved with student government for the last six years and consider being a member of the SGA one of my major responsibilities.
How do you intend to use your position to make North Penn a better place?
I intend to use my position to increase school spirit and to engage the student body. I think it is extremely important to hold NP events that students want to attend.
If you could improve one thing about North Penn what would it be?
If I could improve one thing about North Penn HS, I would like to change how Thursday KTs are spent. I think it would be beneficial to have more academic support for students.
What is your favorite aspect of North Penn?
My favorite aspect of North Penn would have to be the student life. I love attending football games and other school events where everyone shows NP spirit.
Emily Thieu

Why are you running for President?
I am running for the office of president because I have been involved in student government since 8th grade and I love being involved in my school community. I have had great experiences in student government and I am looking forward to the opportunity to take on a larger role within the school.
What makes you the best candidate?
I am extremely organized, attentive, determined and resilient, and I believe that these attributes are necessary for a successful SGA president. I am also very hard working and open to hearing all suggestions because I want the student body to have a voice in their school activities.
How do you intend to use your position to make North Penn a better place?
If I am elected as SGA President, I want to bring new activities and events to the high school by listening to the student body. I think being involved in our school community creates a more enjoyable and less stressful high school experience. I want to provide everyone the opportunity to contribute to our school. Also, I believe that new events and fundraisers result in a larger student involvement and participation so I want to bring unique ideas to SGA that have not been seen before in the high school.
If you could improve one thing about North Penn what would it be?
If I could change one thing about North Penn it would be to better inform students of all the amazing opportunities at North Penn. Since our high school is so large, it is hard to be aware of all the activities that are available and as a result, many students miss out on great opportunities. I want the student body to have a memorable high school experience and step outside of their comfort zones in order to try new things and meet new people by joining North Penn extracurriculars and going to North Penn events.
What is your favorite aspect of North Penn?
My favorite part of North Penn High school is the diverse student body and the variety of activities and clubs. I am involved in many of the clubs at our school, such as Mini-THON, Link Crew Leaders, National Honors Society, Key Club, and FBLA. These clubs have given me a larger appreciation for our school and they have given me the opportunity to create lasting friendships.
Chinmay Vibhute

Why are you running for President?
I am running for SGA president because I can make a serious impact for a great organization that has unfortunately seen a decline in attendance to events.
What makes you the best candidate?
I deserve the vote of my peers because I feel I am the most capable at leading the student representatives to ensure a great year for the students at North Penn high school.
How do you intend to use your position to make North Penn a better place?
As SGA president I intend to encourage students to participate in school activities and get involved, whether you like it here or not just do what you can to make your short time here enjoyable.
If you could improve one thing about North Penn what would it be?
If I could improve one thing at North Penn high school it would be to make our events appeal to students more. Clearly school spirit isn’t a big deal at North Penn, so as an organization we need to take a different approach to getting students involved, hopefully a less cringe one.
What is your favorite aspect of North Penn?
My favorite aspect of North Penn is the diverse people and all the unique activities that happen at this school. No matter the time or day there are always lots of cars in the parking lot.
Kevin Schuyler

Why are you running for Vice President?
I am running to be your SGA Vice President because I believe that with my leadership skills I can make our school a more enjoyable and well ordered place. I also want to culminate my student government career as an officer.
What makes you the best candidate?
I believe I deserve my peers’ votes because I am a very open-minded person and a great team player. On top of my two years of North Penn SGA experience, I also regard myself as extremely friendly and approachable.
How do you intend to use your position to make North Penn a better place?
I intend to listen to my peers about what they want to see happen in their school and ultimately increase their influence on the happenings of North Penn.
If you could improve one thing about North Penn what would it be?
If I could improve one thing about North Penn, it would definitely be the communication. I am interested in exploring a better classroom representative system–possibly during knight time–similar to the one in all social studies classes. Communication will boost turnout at school events and also just create a more informed student body.
What is your favorite aspect of North Penn?
My favorite aspect of NPHS is the diversity. People come from all different backgrounds and participate in so many different activities.
Ansh Sharma

Why are you running for Vice President?
I believe that the office of Vice-President holds a prestigious amount of respect in this community. Being appointed to this office will give me a chance to further my agenda to bring the student’s voice to the administrators of our district. I believe that with my experience and outspokenness about issues that our community faces, I can bring about a creative and efficient change that will benefit everyone in our school.
What makes you the best candidate?
My experience as NJHS President, SGA Senator, and candidate for the office of President of the State Council shows that I am the best candidate for the job. I am organized and have a history of making vast and efficient changes and plans to help out my community and peers together. Some evidence of this is that I founded two fundraisers and chairities as NJHS President for the survivors of the hurricanes that devestated our country in 2017. I also head the International Spring Festival as a member of the executive board, so I have experience in handling and aiding large organizations such as Student Government. We need a strong and stable foundation for this organization, and I believe I can play a small role in helping our school.
How do you intend to use your position to make North Penn a better place?
I intend to complement my position in SGA with a place as a junior representative on the school board to find out what the students want and then bring it to the people that actually make decisions that affect our every day lives at school. We must bring back the power of the students to the policy makers of our district, and with me in office students will feel a real change to their lives at school.
If you could improve one thing about North Penn what would it be?
If I could improve one thing at North Penn High School, it would be the way we address depression, alcohol abuse, and any program that is supposed to help us societally or academically. We must take the voice of students into account for how beneficial these programs are. We spend thousands of dollars every year for them, but we don’t know if they’ll actually make any difference in the lives of the students that they are supposed to effect. We must decide collectively as a school of diversity on what problems should be addressed and what programs should be included into our academic year. Otherwise, the administration is blindly looking to see if the programs work or not by trial or error. But I believe that trial and error is not the way to go when dealing with thousands of dollars
What is your favorite aspect of North Penn?
My favorite aspect of North Penn HS is the amount of opportunities and variety that is provided to me by the administration. Although I believe we can always improve as a community, I believe that our school district provides the right mix of variety and multiculturalism. We are one of the best schools in Pennsylvania and are renowned for our award winning sports teams and clubs.
Jojo Dalwadi

Why are you running for Treasurer?
I am running for Treasurer because that is the best position I will be able to serve the school. I am all for earning our SGA more money to do more various events. For that to be done, fundraising and involvement will need to be improved and I am the guy for that.
What makes you the best candidate?
I deserve the vote of my peers because I am willing to spend my summer to attend PASC camps to learn about what makes student councils successful. Also I have been an active member for our school this past year, as a member of the soccer team, Model UN, and as a current Senator. I also was a finalist for our districts first Black Oratorical Competition which shows my success to my ability to speak publicly.
How do you intend to use your position to make North Penn a better place?
I intend to use my position as Treasurer to make North Penn a better place by abusing the ability to look over our financial records and help reprehend issues that we have faced this year as an SGA. I also will push for activities that we missed out on this year that would have brought our SGA more money, events like wingbowl and the Volleyball tournament.
If you could improve one thing about North Penn what would it be?
One way to improve North Penn would be to get more fundraising done for its SGA, with more money in SGA’s bank, activities like the Tailgate party before homecoming can be more fun. Events like powdepuff could offer more to its viewers.
What is your favorite aspect of North Penn?
My favorite aspect of North Penn HS is its ability to help students find out what they want to do on life. We have so many teachers and counselors willing to have long conversations with students about their next decision. To me, the teacher-student relationship is my favorite aspect of North Penn HS.
Kendall Kohout

Why are you running for Treasurer?
Having been involved in student council in middle school and elected into SGA Senate as a sophomore and junior, I decided to further my involvement by running for treasurer because I wish to become a member of the core group of students that plans successful events for the student body.
What makes you the best candidate?
My peers should vote for me because I am experienced, detail oriented, and committed to North Penn. My experience includes being treasurer for both the North Penn Dance Team and the Science Olympiad club. With experience as treasurer and in-depth knowledge of math, I can effectively make decisions regarding the budget. Also, my organization skills will allow me to successfully manage SGA’s financials.
How do you intend to use your position to make North Penn a better place?
I intend to use my position as treasurer to make North Penn a better place by ensuring costs of SGA-run events are maintained or reduced so that all students feel they can participate.
If you could improve one thing about North Penn what would it be?
If I could improve one thing about North Penn it would be the fundraising. I would try to increase the success of fundraising so that the student costs of events would decrease, the quality would increase, and the participation could be as great as homecoming was this school year.
What is your favorite aspect of North Penn?
My favorite aspect of North Penn High School is the countless opportunities to get involved in the diverse North Penn community.
Maura Schaeffer

Why are you running for Treasurer?
I am running for treasurer because I think this position would suit me very well. I am responsible, diligent, and careful with everything I do and you need someone like that when dealing with important things like money.
What makes you the best candidate?
I believe that I am a hard worker and have a positive attitude towards everything. I am also very dedicated and a strong leader that can follow directions very well.
How do you intend to use your position to make North Penn a better place?
I intend to add more positivity and school spirt to North Penn and get people excited about our school. As treasurer I would make sure to plan events to get more money so that we are able to do some really fun things that get people involved.
If you could improve one thing about North Penn what would it be?
If I could improve one thing about North Penn I would add more spirit days and more activities that would allow the students to show their school pride. I would also add more events where people could meet peers that they might have never talked to before because our class is so big.
What is your favorite aspect of North Penn?
My favorite aspect about North Penn is how easy it is to get involved and how there is something for everyone through the many sports and clubs we have. It is so diverse and really interesting to see
Sophia Yi

Why are you running for Treasurer?
I want to get involved and help the school, especially with the skills I have
What makes you the best candidate?
I am very hardworking and thorough. Once I am given a task, I complete it accurately and precisely.
How do you intend to use your position to make North Penn a better place?
I want to be able to include everyone and financial reasons should not interfere with one’s participation
If you could improve one thing about North Penn what would it be?
I would want to include everyone in the various opportunities and make them aware of certain opportunities because not everyone is aware of the different activities that they can get involved in.
What is your favorite aspect of North Penn?
The diversity and opportunities
Sabina Parra

Why are you running for Recording Secretary?
I am running for my Recording Secretary because I have been well involved in Student Government and I would love to continue the journey. I enjoy being able to impact on what goes on between the walls of North Penn High School. Although the position I am running for, Recording Secretary, is not a position that has the upper hand I am still able to make sure everything goes as planned.
What makes you the best candidate?
I deserve the vote of my peers because with five years of Student Gov. experience, I have the most exposure compared to other candidates. As the great Michael G. Scott says, “I work too hard. I care too much. And sometimes I can be too invested in my job.” All of these qualities make me the best candidate for SGA’s Recording Secretary.
How do you intend to use your position to make North Penn a better place?
I would take accurate minutes of each meeting, allowing me to move forward the great ideas SGA has to offer North Penn HS.
If you could improve one thing about North Penn what would it be?
If I could improve one thing about North Penn HS, it would be the student voice. We lack engagement on what happens to our own school which is outrageous.
What is your favorite aspect of North Penn?
My favorite aspect of North Penn HS is the diversity and opportunities presented to the student body.
Julia Stephens

Why are you running for Recording Secretary?
I’m running for Recording Secretary because I am organized and a leader. I want to get involved and help organize events at our school.
What makes you the best candidate?
I am responsible, a leader, orderly, open to new ideas, and hard-working.
How do you intend to use your position to make North Penn a better place?
I will try to make events fun and make sure there is something for everyone to do. I’ll make sure that students’ opinions are heard by SGA.
If you could improve one thing about North Penn what would it be?
If it was possible I would find a way to get rid of the E pod clog because it takes a solid minute just to get through the crowd. (Since that’s a little impossible for me to fix, I would also separate testing days more because lots of teachers will quiz or test on the same day and students end up with 3 or 4 tests in one day).
What is your favorite aspect of North Penn?
The size. Every year I meet new people and it’s so easy to get involved. There are clubs and groups for everyone’s interests.
Casey Brennan

Why are you running for Corresponding Secretary?
I am running for Corresponding Secretary because I want to make an impact in this school and serve my classmates. It’s an opportunity to insert my ideas to help make North Penn HS a better place. I believe I am very responsible and excel in my communication and connectivity skills which is required for this position.
What makes you the best candidate?
I deserve my peers vote because I am very genuine and authentic which helps me put others needs before my own. I am passionate and committed about being in SGA. I willing to devote a sufficient amount of time and energy into doing the best job I can in this position.
How do you intend to use your position to make North Penn a better place?
Through my position in SGA, I feel as though I can make North Penn a better place by inspiring and being a good role model for my peers. I can communicate will my classmates to find out what changes they want to see throughout the high school and use my influence in SGA to bring them to life. I am committed to going to great lengths to make improvements happen.
If you could improve one thing about North Penn what would it be?
With the large size and diversity experienced at North Penn HS, many students may feel as though they don’t know or connect with as many peers as they’d like to. Generally, friendships develop through classes, sports teams, or clubs, yet these connections only make up a small portion of the total student body. I feel as though it is important to know as many classmates as possible because creating friendships can change your high school experience.
What is your favorite aspect of North Penn?
My favorite aspect of North Penn HS is how diversified and inclusive the environment is. There is a wide range of clubs and activities thats lends itself to having something for everyone.
Gwen Dzwil

Why are you running for Corresponding Secretary?
I want to continue to contribute to SGA by listening to students’ ideas and opinions and taking action on them.
What makes you the best candidate?
I have experience, leadership, and the communication skills to work with others to accomplish the goals and aspirations of the students at North Penn.
How do you intend to use your position to make North Penn a better place?
I intend on working with the other officers, cabinet members, and senators on making all of the SGA events as much of a success as possible and making them all enjoyable as possible for every student. I will also listen to the student body feedback and relay it to the other SGA members to improve the school.
If you could improve one thing about North Penn what would it be?
I would have more attendance at school-wide events such as homecoming and the talent show to have everyone enjoy what North Penn has to offer.
What is your favorite aspect of North Penn?
I love how the large school is welcoming to everyone and seems like a family.
Rachel Noh

Why are you running for Corresponding Secretary?
I want to run for this particular office because I would love to experience what a secretary does, and improve my organizational skills.
What makes you the best candidate?
I have many qualities such as time-management skills, cooperative communication skills, and also very positive mindset.
How do you intend to use your position to make North Penn a better place?
I intend to use my position in SGA to keep organized and easy to access to for all SGA members so that the we could have a very efficient and an aspiring year for the NPHS community.
If you could improve one thing about North Penn what would it be?
I would improve the SGA officer elections because for new students or students that would like to try can not reach information of these elections well and losses the opportunity to participate and to be a part of the NPHS community.
What is your favorite aspect of North Penn?
A diverse choice in course selection and clubs for all students.
Swetha Sampath-Kumar

Why are you running for Corresponding Secretary?
As a current senator, I’d like to further my involvement in student government. I’ve always loved getting involved , so I believe this is the right opportunity for me to establish my commitment to North Penn.
What makes you the best candidate?
I’m incredibly organized and responsible, which are two qualities essential for this position. As secretary, I would have no problem with maintaining records and ensuring that all members are notified and updated on meetings, events, etc. I work well in groups as well and this quality will prove efficient wherever good communication is needed.
How do you intend to use your position to make North Penn a better place?
Everyone should know what goes on at school and in what ways they can make themselves a part of North Penn. I hope to increase attendance rates to school events while ensuring that everyone who is a part of SGA itself stays committed.
If you could improve one thing about North Penn what would it be?
I’d like to improve the student body’s involvement with school events. There’s no denying we have great turnouts every year for our big events, but there still remains a majority who are unaware of upcoming activities. I’d like to keep more visibility on SGA’s work.
What is your favorite aspect of North Penn?
My favorite part of North Penn is the diversity. I meet new people all the time and everyone has a unique story to share.